

13 Moon Focalizers

Focalizers are priest/esses who are the ONLY beings who have been personally ordained by Ariel Spilsbury and certified by the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School to carry on Ariel’s 13 Moon Mystery School work directly.

Natalia Price

Natalia Price is an ordained priestess and focalizer for the 13 Moon Mystery School. She has been involved with this lineage and her mentor Ariel Splisbury for 13 years.

She facilitates women’s circles, retreats and online programs to support and inspire women in embodying their unique expression of the Divine and re-membering the gifts they came here to offer, while authentically embracing shadow and accessing the stillness within. She is a temple keeper for the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School and holds the temple pillar of the Queen of death.

Drawing inspiration from her experiences as a performance artist…..specializing in sacred dance, circus arts, and ritual theatre….she invites expressive arts and mythic embodiment as a vessel for personal and community transformation.

As a certified yoga instructor and student, her passion for conscious movement and breath touch every aspect of her life and offerings. Natalia’s priestess path has led her traveling the world to ancient temples and sacred power sites offering the beauty way of devotion and service as a living prayer to re-balancing Mother Gaia and honoring the divine Feminine.

Natalia is currently focalizing a year long priestess initiate circle in Grass Valley, CA. Where she lives as mother and wife.

Sarah Uma is an Inner Alchemist, Archetypal Mentor, and a Joyful Living Coach who is here to help you break free and live Ecstatically! 

She is a MoJo Mystic, a Joy Activator who knows the power of lightening up on the path of En-lightenment.

Sarah Uma is a Priestess and guide who is here to support the awakening of the Divine Feminine and the re- balancing of the inner masculine and feminine. She is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and  has been a facilitator of this work for over 15 years.

 As an intuitive counselor her intention is to support you in embodying your full expression of the Divine and nurture you in being the God/dess that you are.

She has devoted the last 20 years as a Priestess through offering ceremonies, women’s circles, archetypal readings, and retreats empowering women to step into there sovereignty and support them to move beyond lack and limitation into their true prosperity. 

Sarah Uma is a certified  Yoga and Laughter Yoga leader and the Founder of ”Kindalooney Yoga” which weaves laughing, shaking medicine, and improv play. She has brought Laughter Yoga and Kindalooney Yoga to the Hospice of Santa Barbara, the Cancer Association, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Brain Injury Center of Santa Barbara.

For over 30 years Sarah taught movement as a tool for communication, clarity, and creative expression. Her major influences include the feminine yoga of Angela Farmer and the somatic practice of Continuum Movement with Emile Conrad, whom she studied with for over 15 years.  Sarah is a certified yoga teacher through Kripalu Institute and received her Yoga Therapy certification through Phoenix Rising.  For over 20 years Sarah has apprenticed with Ariel Spilsbury, author of the 13 Moon Oracle and recently completed the Sacred Ecstatics Mentorship program with Bradford and Hillary Keeney

She has served the awakening of the feminine in many ways; traveling to Kenya in 2008 to set up micro-loans for women in and volunteering to support youth through the Amala Foundations/One Village Project Global Youth Peace Summits. 

Sarah  is the Mother of two amazing humans who are both dedicated to making a difference in the world. She is also a Nana of two grandchildren who continue to teach her the

 power of seeing with the eyes of innocence, curiosity and wonder. She is a ‘Crone at the Crossroads “standing as an elder who knows the power of the heart and the importance of unifying mind and heart so that you may enter into the space where only love resides.

Sarah currently lives in Avalon, a mountaintop retreat in Santa Barbara, where she inspires people to come and be present with the beauty and magic of the present moment and step into a more mythical expression of life.

Sarah Uma Kane

Eden Amadora

I am devoted to the awakening of the heart of humanity and to the embodiment of unconditional love.

The joyful service I offer others is to be a pellucid mirror for them to recognize and clearly see their own beauty, feel the empowered presence of their divinity, and trust their inner heart knowing.

It is my honor to be an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School. I am also an archetypal voice & embodiment coach, ceremonial singer, and prayer-formance artist. With over 20 years of shamanic and yogic training with a focus on sound and movement integration, my offerings are in service to those who are ready to embody their most essential, radiant selves and express their authentic voices.

Let’s sing songs that resonate into the core of our remembrance and raise our frequency. Play with me in creative love and joy. We will courageously dive very deep. I will support you to spread your heart wings wide, rise and soar free.

My passion is for witnessing the incredible transformation that occurs when I create and hold highly coherent ceremonial circles. I love offering a sacred container and acting as a guide for others to have an embodied experience of working with the archetypes of the Divine Feminine.

Eden is gifted at holding unconditionally loving space and simultaneously being a fierce voice of truth. She is a conduit for soul guidance, as she supports and mirrors her clients. She lives with one foot in the archetypal realm, as a magnetic, mythic catalyzer of heart awakening.

Eden is gifted at holding unconditionally loving space and simultaneously being a fierce voice of truth. She is the temple keeper of the Primal Goddess Temple in the Sanctuary of the Open Heart. Her empathic, instinctual nature brings her to sharing what she is perceiving through body wisdom. She holds the sword of the initiator and is not afraid to bring to awareness, the ways in which beings are presently unconsciously limiting their expression and spiritual growth.

Eden is a conduit for soul guidance, as she supports and mirrors her initiates. She lives with one foot in the archetypal realm, holding others in their highest essence helping them to transmute their shadow – or stuck old patterns – into more self-love and empowered presence, allowing them the freedom to fully live their unique mythic story.

Eden Amadora offers ceremonial circles, retreats, devotional temple days, and 1:1 sessions for women who are ready to rest into a more self-trusting place, awaken to their true beauty and embodied self-love, align with their soul purpose, and live into greater joy and connection to their essence, Source and sisterhood.

Greyson is currently the 13 Moon Temple Keeper for the Initiator archetype. Her gift with being able to perceive and then speak the truth she sees, has been literally honed to a fine art, in the sacred work that she offers. She is a gifted teacher and initiator of the 13 Moon Mystery School work. Greyson will be launching a virtual 13 Moon Mystery School Circle this September with opportunities for in-person immersions as well as a sacred journey through Egypt upon completion of the circle in September 2024. To apply, visit here:

She also offers an introductory program to explore the underlying core principles guiding the 13 Moon Mystery School work called Into the Mythic. In it, she will be also be offering people the opportunity to dive into a general exploration of archetypes and in particular their Archetypal Wheels.

In the realm of art as soul exploration, Greyson is a gifted intuitive astrologer and water color artist. She has brought these gifts together in three forms in what she calls SoulStar Charts, Gene Key charts and Archetypal Wheels. She creates these charts for individual self-inquiry, inner exploration and meditation. SoulStar Charts are Astrology charts painted to reveal the unique keys you hold in the alignment of planets, asteroids and signs in your birth chart. Gene Keys Charts are painted as wall art or to sit on your altar for use in contemplation as you embrace the shadows of your individual gene keys to reveal the gifts and embody the siddhis of your Soul. And finally, Archetypal Wheels combine your natal chart with an archetypal wheel to map how your personal astrology weaves together with the primary archetypes guiding your life!

You can discover more about her work at or

Greyson Kirby

Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, is an ordained Priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, Magdalene Myrrophore Scent Anointing Priestess, Ceremonialist, Psychotherapist, and Author.

She has been on a path of passionate service for the past twenty years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, catalyzing them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives.

Elayne is the Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple, home to the Enter the Mystery (13 Moon Mystery School Training) and the Rosa Mystica Myrrhophore Mystery School (Magdalene Scent Priestess Training). Priestess Presence serves a sisterhood of over 80.000 women around the world.

She initiates and trains women into the Divine Feminine mysteries so that they may come to understand their Essence and then be of loving, devoted service in the world. Elayne is passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our very modern-day lives so women can all step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence and purpose.

She is also the host of The Red Podcast:  A Place for Bold Inspired, Outrageously Courageous & Just a Tad Bit Naughty Women Leaders To Gather… to talk about all the things that are most important in our lives!

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