

Prayer Basket

Unleash the power of prayer and elevate your intentions towards a collective manifestation of divine love.

Welcome Beloved, into the Energy of the One Heart. We are all one, inextricably interwoven and linked to each other as one vast cosmic being. When one part offers intention or prayer to another part, of course it is received as it is a part of the same whole. Prayer brings attention and intention simultaneously to bear on what you are praying about. The stronger the love that directs the energy field within you, and the more clearly focused your intention, the more powerfully empowered the prayer is. Take a moment to breathe into this truth.

You can pray fervently for virtually anything or anyone.The caveat is that it has to be without attachment to a specific outcome. All you can pray for at one level, is the most expanded outcome for that soul or situation in that moment. This embodied knowing is the “peace that passes all understanding,” to quote the Christian bible on this matter. Breathe into and feel the peace in your heart.

Prolepsis is the next piece of understanding prayer; “To act as if a future act is already accomplished.” To FEEL how you will feel in a future moment, when that prayer is realized, empowers it to be so NOW. In quantum reality, there is no such thing as time, so we act as if it were already accomplished drawing that outcome toward us now. Bring into your heart, the person, project, animal or situation that you are asking the priest/esses in the Sanctuary to pray about.

Feel your love for this person, etc. filling your heart with deep love. Now allow your prayer to emerge from within you. Take a few moments to crystallize this prayer. Now see the prayer as having already been realized. See the situation as already brought to clarity and resolved.

Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool to embrace each heart in divine Love. Prayer operates on the understanding THAT WE ARE ALL ONE…that we are inextricably interwoven and linked to each other as one vast cosmic being. All life is part of that quantum, holographic web of being. So when one part offers intention or prayer to another part, of course it is received as it is a part of the same whole.

What prayer does is to bring attention and intention simultaneously to bear on what you are praying about. The stronger the Love that directs the energy field within you, and the more clearly focused your intention, the more powerfully empowered the prayer is. You can pray fervently for virtually anything or anyone, but the caveat is that it has to be without attachment to a specific outcome.

All you can actually pray for at one level, is the most expanded outcome for that soul or situation in that moment. The highest outcome is always out picturing at a soul level, no matter what your ego mind “thinks” is the best or desired outcome.

This embodied knowing is the “peace that passes all understanding.” to quote the Christian bible on this matter.

Request a Prayer

Make the prayer SPECIFIC. Please name the person, project, animal or situation clearly and concisely, in one or at the most two sentences. (In other words please don’t request general prayers for success or happiness for example). Take time to phrase your prayer as a POSITIVE INTENTION, with the manifestation you desire. (Whilst being unattached to the outcome!)
When requested, we’ll send you a reminder email to update us and indicate whether you are still in need of prayer. This allows us to make sure we are directing the prayer circle’s energies where it needs to be.
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Activated Prayers

Kore Taylor

“I have more great news!!!  My uncle called sobbing yesterday morning as Loren ( my 10 year old niece) just received the news that she is at this time cancer FREE!! The surgery went very well they were able to remove all tumors and able to leave one of her ovaries intact. 

Her kidneys are getting stronger and better.  She is now at home with a long recovery – however she was in a coma and actually “ died “ once to now being cancer free and soon to be off dialysis!!! 

My family sends their heartfelt gratitude for the immense outpouring of prayer and love.  

Miracles do happen!

Ariolea Gleuck

I have good news about Andreas.

He can breathe autonomously and receives oxygen only, his lungs are improving gradually. He has still a VERY long way to full recovery but he is definitely out of the woods.

It is a miracle recovery for somebody who the doctors had given up, his family and I thank you from the depths of our hearts.

Angela Zawada

There is so much comfort in making a request for a beloved to be held in our Prayer Basket. The sheer act of writing & sending it alone is a soothing balm…knowing, in Trust, the desired intention is seen as ‘already done’ in the strong arms of this container, focalized with such deep love by The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School.The power of this container has revealed itself clearly in the positive transformations of my father with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. His circumstance has been critical for countless months, leaving myself and my family holding onto the edge. And radical improvements, that did not seem possible, have occurred in almost the immediate aftermath of each request. The doctors have been baffled again and again and my gratitude to all in this Prayer Basket simply can not be measured.

Elana Auerbach

Both of my parents have been through surgery in the past couple of years. The surgeries were minor, but my parents were anxious. Having the deluge of prayers that arrived from the priestesses of the Sanctuary Prayer Basket, buoyed their hearts and gave them a sense of peace. Neither of them had ever felt such an outpouring of love and care, especially from people they didn’t know personally. The prayers from the Prayer Basket eased our hearts and minds during a difficult time and provided my family with the experience of literally being held in a cocoon of prayer, tenderness and love. We are forever grateful!