

13 Moon Mystery School

Embody your unique gifts and access direct wisdom through sacred ceremonies and mythic enactment.

What is a Mystery School?

A Mystery School is informed by many mystical and spiritual traditions and exists to offer beings the opportunity to move deeper into the Mystery of divine revelation, rather than to recapitulate the known. In experiencing the offerings of the Mystery School, beings are assisted in emptying to become direct receivers and living embodiments of divine principles, direct knowing and wisdom that can only come through full attention in the present moment.

In the Mystery School, you step deeply into your soul evolution and have a direct experience of initiation into the Female Mysteries. In and through the experiences offered from the 13 Moon Mystery School, you will remember what it is to be a Priest/ess through mythic enactment, sacred time and space ceremonial work, chant, sound, art, dance and moving on the inner planes. You are supported in embodying your full expression of the Divine, to nurture you in being the God/dess you intrinsically are, and to offer you a direct experience of all wisdom being within you.

Get to Know Our Focalizers

Focalizers are priest/esses who are the ONLY beings who have been personally ordained by Ariel Spilsbury and certified by the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School to carry on Ariel’s 13 Moon Mystery School work directly.

View Our Focalizers