

Join Us For The Next Sacred Theater Invocation For The Muse: A Mythic Enactment Of Opening To All Possibilities! May 28 At 5:30pm Pst


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In this Invocation we will explore how the Muse irresistibly beckons us toward our unique expression of the Divine spark of creation…through a delightful dalliance of delirious dazzlement! Igniting your passion to create is a Muse specialty, luring you to wholeness through joyful participation with creation.  When have you heard yourself say, “If only I didn’t have to work, or raise a family etc. , I would then have time to be creative.” The Muse is here to remind you that not only are all things possible, (genuinely) but more importantly that your LIFE itself is the creative work of art! How you create a beautiful meal or arrange flowers or make love.. are all on-going brush strokes in the masterpiece of your life. The Muse wants you to recognize that creativity is not about products or outcomes, rather it is about the process of being in more joy as you create the art form of your life. 
    Please consider what childhood dream you wanted to manifest in this life,
                that we can empower as an alchemical circle!

In Delight.. ariel
This event is offered through Heart donations!
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
May you be true to your own nature and instinct. May you be blessed with the strength and commitment to fulfill your heart’s aims…
Interested in becoming a member? Joining the Community of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School means activating your desires for wholeness in this particular expression of the Divine Feminine and becoming a Chalice Holder. We believe there is nothing to give and nothing to take, that all is in abundance and here for the One. Please join us!

Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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