

Would You Like To Hear From A Priestess Who Garners Inspiration From Direct Experience Of Other Realms? Join Us In One Hour! (zoom Link Included)


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Would you like to be inspired by a priestess who garners her writing inspiration from direct experience with other dimensional realms? Come join us on Tuesday at Noon Pacific for an offering from our Community Luminary Series with Priestess, mystic and author Julien Dubrow. She will be sharing from her Priestess Chronicle triology. If you have questions or insights please bring them along to engage in this fascinating dialog!
You can purchase the trilogy HERE!
Please join us on December 8th Noon on Zoom.
In delight and devotion to the One Heart,
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Priestess Chronicles
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 849 0053 1000
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Meeting ID: 849 0053 1000
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About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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