

Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons – Adorabili-tea {recording And Notes} August 12, 2020 –


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Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons
So how does the dictionary define adorability: delightful, attractive, charming, worthy of adoration, lovable.
Adoration: worship, deep love and respect.
That’s quite a leap from adorability merely being attractive and charming to adoration being worthy of worship, deep love and respect. What creates all these gradients and degrees of love? Isn’t all life worthy of adoration, deep love and respect? Since language shapes reality, let’s use the word adoration.
So what are you in deep adoration of in this lifetime? What feels worthy of your worship, deep love and respect?
How does the quality of your relationship to that which is adored, change when you are in adoration of it? What is happening energetically?
                                              This image shows that relationship:
Adoration is a form of worshiping that which you love and respect. Adoration is a pathway to the Divine called in the Hindi tradition Bakhti.. the path of devotion and adoration! Is that a path YOU walk?
What qualities do you find adorable in other’s?
Now to the difficult stuff.. What do you find adorable in yourself? It is much easier to say what is adorable on the outside of you, right? So what makes that so much more difficult to name and define with the Self?
How would the world shift if you found the entire world outside you to be adorable? Would that take the “specialness” out of the adorability?
Deep love and respect are qualities of expanded, enlightened consciousness, wherein you recognize that all life, is equally worthy of your love and respect. The Buddhist view of harmlessness embodies this understanding. Basically that in finding all life worthy of love and respect we become harmless.. more aware by looking through the eyes of compassion at how reality is outpicturing from any point of view “outside” the self.. In reality we are so interconnected with all life, that there actually isn’t any outside or inside, only the appearance of that perception through the eyes of separation. Even Quantum physics recognizes this truth in chaos theory as it states, a butterfly fluttering its wings in California creates a typhoon in Japan. THERE IS NO SEPARATION.. WE ARE ALL ONE WITH ALL LIFE!
 So how does that understanding practically play out in our daily lives? By things like choosing not to eat meat or catching a spider in the house in a bottle and putting it gently outside, watering a plant that you see is dying of thirst whether it is your own or not! We are called to genuinely work toward being harmless on all levels of being. Tibetan monks carry a staff to warn the smaller insects and creatures through the sound of the staff’s touching the earth, that they are coming, so the beings can choose to move out of the way. In this, monks are adoring all of creation and practicing harmlessness.
  We are all on a continuum of expanding our awareness and consciousness. Practicing adoring all of creation is a very simple means to expand awareness. Perhaps this moon take adoration of all life up as your simple practice to expand consciousness. Practice harmlessness as a practical means to enact that adoration in very tangible ways.
                                                           In Adoring Love,
                                                           Your sister ariel
September 16 at Noon ~ Soul Salon: Responsabili-Tea – REGISTER HERE!
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Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
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The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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