

Post Email – Dream Weavers Circle – May 22, 2020 – Enjoy The Recording!


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Beloveds Weaver Dreamers, 
My heart is grateful whenever we come together sharing our wisdom and giving voices and life to our dreams. Waking or Sleeping we connect the dots of synchronicities and overlays so we may comprehend our connections and perceive the larger picture and patterns present in collective consciousness.  
I had some technical difficulties during our call, so my apologies for a bit of a bumpy ride Friday morning. Nevertheless... 
We explored a potent vision from a brother Ron Tofanelli of the collective consciousness presently shifting from our current infantile shadow state to our radiant Christ Consciousness, ( newly born). This lead to the dream of Christ being held to the cross and released-freed by Serpent energy (kundalini- Shakti ). Healing the seeming disconnect of the masculine and feminine- the duality of Mind and Heart. Reconnection through embodiment. Disrobing- releasing old ways, old shames, and dancing naked in the moonlit fountain, a well spring of sensuousness liberation of freedom and life.  
We witnessed Beka courageously stepping forward through the Rose and Magdalene wisdom in her work with girls and women who are healing after genital mutilation. Blessed Be for such deep work. 
Thank you Julianna and Janet and (Karen)?…. for stepping forward with beautiful affirmations and examples of how the patriarchy within ourselves and without is indeed changing in our loving embrace of both the masculine and the feminine within. As we change ourselves so the world changes. Our sister Amber stated one her prime focuses in healing this year is doing the work of Heiros Gammos – the Inner Marriage of our Masculine and Feminine, for our own Wholeness, Unity and Sovereignty. I feel as many of you may that this is a big part of what is active in consciousness. Unifying honoring Masculine and Feminine, unifying heart, mind, soul and body. 
Please continue to work with the symbol that came to you during our call that informs and evokes this healing/wholing for you personally. You may want to visualize your symbol in mediation before you go sleep and ask the symbol what wisdom it holds for you…if you are a lucid dreamer ask the dream itself…you will get a response…it may come in words, sound or metaphor through image. 
Our dreams have the ability to heal in ways our logical rational mind may not, they can offer truth beyond facts. Our dreams reach to us from the depths communing with our heart and soul, healing the body and offering new perspectives and understanding to our experiences. There are tremendous opportunities here. Fred Alan Wolf, a theoretical physicist, claims that “dreaming is vital to our survival as a species, and a necessary ’learning laboratory’ wherein the self and the universe evolve. In brief, matter evolves through dreams.”
We are all flowering Suns. 
I look forward to seeing and hearing all your inspirations when we next meet on June 19th at 10:00am PST. In the meantime you can submit and post your dreams, art, poetry and inspirations that you wish to share with our Dreamer Circle on our FaceBook page or on The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School in the Services section.
Blessed Be! ”We are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.”
In Devotion and love,
Please follow this link to join our Weaver Dreamers of the 13 Moons Mystery School Private Facebook Groupfor us to connect between zoom calls.
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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