

Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons – Possibili-tea {recording And Notes} September 25, 2019


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Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons
Soul Salons ~ Possibili-TEA
Including two more offerings at the bottom of the email!
Thank you for joining the zoom Spiritual Tea Party focused on Possibility yesterday, the Possibili-TEA was a total delight to our hearts! Please enjoy the recording and the reflections we shared with each other!
Ariel Spilsbury If you forward or post, please properly credit, copy-it-right!
Dear Posssibili-TEA Players..
As a follow up to our tea party I wanted to share some further insights with you about possibility! The stories we tell ourselves and others profoundly shapes our reality and reality in general. Knowing that, we each would be served in taking more responsibility for the stories we choose to repeat and tell especially those we tell over and over and thus reinforce that particular spoken reality. In essence, the truth is that we are dreaming up our reality. We are dreaming up the dream characters in our movie/dream both waking and sleeping as aspects of the self. In a sense we are putting “spells” or closed feedback loops on each other, hypnotic suggestions by the way we see others, the expectations we hold of them, the stories we tell about them. In quantum physics it is called the Observer Effect. In essence, that means we see what we expect to see. (Though paradoxically, no one is absolutely at cause, because reality is actually acausal, self-arising, non-linear, holographic.. a mutually created holographic dream projection.) In short, in fact, life IS a dream. Dreams are not separate from us. Awake or asleep, dreams are mental projections of psychic energy, reflections of our inner landscape. The good news is that we can dream the dream differently. We ARE at cause if we are awake and lucid within the dream.
So how do we become more lucid in the dream?
That is the key question. For one, by taking radical responsibility for the dream projections/stories you share about your life,your feelings, about others etc. What is your take on that? What have you done to become more lucid in the dream of life?
In the process of becoming more lucid in the dream of our lives, we have to be willing to look at what actually motivates any story we choose to tell from our past. Being willing to ask the self “Why am i telling this story?”, is a very revelatory investigation of the ego and its actual motivations, if you are willing to actually hold yourself accountable to doing it. You will often find yourself telling stories that make you be more likely to be seen in a particular flattering light, or to be liked or loved or validated etc.
If your intention is to be more lucid in the dream of life, you will choose to stop telling stories for egoic reasons and begin to tell stories that illuminate others and their journey and support yourself and themselves to step into a more mythic, soulful expression of Self, rather than constantly recapitulating the known, worn out stories that just bolster the ego’s identification and perception of itself.
  From a bigger lensing of story than our personal stories .. meta-stories (myths) that we hold as a culture significantly shape our reality and sadly, mostly unconsciously. What we put into our consciousness, watch on TV, hear on the news, read.. etc. powerfully shapes the reality we outpicture and manifest. What images, and information we take in, shapes the quality of our health and well being on all levels. I have attached an article on this meta-position that I wrote, that further elucidates this Meta Story “Change the Story. Change the Future”. I hope you will take it in!! As Ekhert Tolle says, “To awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we are awake and lucid within the dream, the ego created Earth drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. We are, through our lucidity, creating a new Earth!”          
In Service to the One Heart… ariel
The stories we tell ourselves and others profoundly shapes our reality and reality in general. Knowing that, we each would be served in taking more responsibility for the stories we choose to repeat and tell especially those we tell over and over and thus reinforce that particular spoken reality. In essence, the truth is that we are dreaming up our reality. We are dreaming up the dream characters in our movie/dream both waking and sleeping as aspects of the self. In a sense we are putting “spells” or closed feedback loops on each other, hypnotic suggestions by the way we see others, the expectations we hold of them, the stories we tell about them. In quantum physics it is called the Observer Effect. In essence, that means we see what we expect to see. (Though paradoxically, no one is absolutely at cause, because reality is actually acausal, self-arising, non-linear, holographic.. a mutually created holographic dream projection.) In short, in fact, life IS a dream. Dreams are not separate from us. Awake or asleep, dreams are mental projections of psychic energy, reflections of our inner landscape. The good news is that we can dream the dream differently. We ARE at cause if we are awake and lucid within the dream. 
So how do we become more lucid in the dream?
That is the key question. For one, by taking radical responsibility for the dream projections/stories you share about your life, about others etc. What is your take on that? What have you done to become more lucid in the dream of life? 
In the process of becoming more lucid in the dream of our lives, we have to be willing to look at what actually motivates any story we choose to tell from our past. Being willing to ask the self “Why am i telling this story?”, is a very revelatory investigation of the ego and its actual motivations, if you are willing to actually hold yourself accountable to asking yourself. You will often find yourself telling stories that will attempt to make you be more likely to be seen in a particular flattering light, or liked or loved or validated, valued etc. 
If your intention is to be more lucid in the dream of life, you will choose to stop telling stories for egoic reasons (especially gossiping) and begin to tell stories that illuminate others and their journey and support yourself and themselves to step into a more mythic, soulful expression of Self, rather than constantly recapitulating the known, worn out stories that just bolster the ego’s identification and perception of itself. 
From a bigger lensing of story than our personal stories .. meta-stories (myths) that we hold as a culture significantly shape our reality and sadly, mostly unconsciously. What we put into our consciousness, watch on TV, hear on the news, read.. etc. powerfully shapes the reality we outpicture and manifest. What images, and information we take in, shapes the quality of our health and well-being on all levels. I have attached an article on this meta-position that I wrote, that further elucidates this Meta Story “Change the Story. Change the Future”. I hope you will take time to take it in!! As Eckhart Tolle says, “To awaken within the dream is our purpose now as humans. When we are awake and lucid within the dream, the ego created Earth drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. We are, through our lucidity, creating a new Earth!”  
                                      In Service to the One Heart… ariel
PS: Attached is the article: “Change the Story. Change your Life!” Enjoy!
So how do we become more lucid in the dream of life? 
        (Here are the illuminating responses from today’s gathered heart circle:)
  1. Move more slowly. (Higher consciousness moves slower than 3D consciousness.)
  2. Creativity, freedom of expression. (The expression of our creativity is essential to being more lucid in life!)
  3. Reframing the limited stories we tell ourselves.
  4. Laughter. (Laughter frees energy to rise to a more expanded place of awareness! The Maya say that laughter is the sign of higher consciousness being present!)
  5. Embodiment of something bigger than our ego/mind self.. stepping into the mythic Self.
  6. Trusting inner soul voice, wisdom and intuition.
  7. Staying present in the moment and embodiment through movement.
  8. Being in nature, barefoot if possible!
  9. Recognizing all life as sentient consciousness. (All life is aware so we can vastly expand our own awareness by stepping fully into other points of view of consciousness!)
  10. Moving away from distractions and choosing to focus attention where you want it to be!
  11. Acceptance of what is/ releasing resistance to what is!
We hope you will join us for the next three free Soul Salons which will now be once a moon at Noon. If you can’t be there in person, register to each individually to receive the follow up zoom video! Mark them in your calendar and sign up! Find links below..
  1. October 9th Noon Soul Salon: Sovereign-TEA
  2. November 13th Noon Soul Salon: NovelTEA/Improbabili-TEA
  3. December 11th Noon Soul Salon: Nobili-TEA
From Vyana..
a modern priestess ~ mermaid vyana – an aMUSEing dive into spontaneity and joy
From Janet..
“The Inner History of a Day” By John O’Donahue link on Youtube
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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