


With our sincere desire to make this Priest/ess work accessible to beings who are committed to going the distance with a 13 Moon training AND who can demonstrate a level of preparedness to enter into a Living Mystery school, we have set up a scholarship fund (for those who are unable to pay the full tuition). Upon application they will be considered for a partial scholarship based on need. If this describes you, please fill out the form below to be considered for a scholarship.

For those who wish to donate to this scholarship fund, 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to deserving recipients.
We are deeply grateful for the kind generosity and nobility of your heart to share with others from the overflowing abundance that the Universe moves through you! Thank you!

Make a Donation to Sanctuary Scholarship Fund


Or donate with card:

13 Moon Mystery School Scholarship Application

Your application will be reviewed and evaluated by an independent selection committee.

We extend our profound gratitude for the gracious generosity and nobility of your heart to share with others from the overflowing abundance that the Universe moves through you! We humbly express our heartfelt appreciation. Welcome to the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School.

Please answer the questions below. If you have any questions or trouble submitting the form, please get in touch.

  1. Acceptance into a 13 Moon Circle.
  2. Demonstrated Financial Need.
  3. 18 Years of Age or Older

Three eligibility criteria to be considered:

Have you or a family member served on the board of directors or been employed by the SOTOH within the last 2 years?
Are you totally committed to going the distance OF A YEAR LONG TRAINING to complete the 13 Moon Priestess training should you receive this scholarship?

Demonstration of Financial Need

Are you single or married?
Do you support children and/or dependents?
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