MARCH 12TH, 2025 AT 12PM PST
Beauty is Indeed in the Eye of the Beholder…
I’ll never forget a scene in the movie “American Beauty” where the artistic photographer protagonist captured the beauty of a white plastic grocery shopping bag, being carried by the wind, floating gracefully through the air in slow motion. There is beauty everywhere if one has a broad enough definition and a wide open aperture around what beauty is seen as. In this exploration, I went through many images that I have saved under Beauty. It was so difficult to choose because this Universe seems to be constructed around and with Beauty as a central organizing principle. And it serves a very important function in our well being: Beauty is an antidote to the chaos we find around us. It uplifts and inspires through incredibly difficult circumstances.
Hail to Beauty!
Let’s gather to share about what beauty is through our own lenses. Please bring something to share that you feel characterizes beauty for you. (Considering time and length). That can be poetry, art, music, etc. and of course a Tea mug that holds beauty for you! Come play with us in the Beauty Way!
Why gather at this time?
Now, more than ever, we are remembering the importance of our heart to heart connections with each other and with the Earth! With the energy of change being brought so viscerally into our awareness, as we move into the Unknown, we feel naturally impulsed to reassess where our roots are, what connections are serving our remaining centered in Love, no matter what storm is taking place. The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is serving to strengthen our rootedness in Love together! In this technological time of texting and tweeting (which serve their purpose) I feel a deep desire to connect heart to heart, voice to voice… to see how we can serve each other in staying centered in Love. To begin this process of staying more connected in the web of Oneness, I want to start by offering…
SOUL SALONS: SPIRITUAL TEA PARTIES..for us to connect and share hearts, Witness each other, offer and feel supported on our journeys, catalyze and open to new growth rings in ourselves, uplift our frequencies and anchor peace in ourselves and the world. We will start by being led in a meditation to open us to sharing from the deeper parts of Self. Then I will offer soul inquiries for you to discover and weave your thread into our Web of Oneness. We will then open to sharing what you brought to share, Witnessing what you have moved toward or set down on the soul journey, asking pressing soul questions.. whatever we want to dream up as valuable for our time together on a zoom call! Finally we will work with a practice that can help you stabilize.. with a tool for turbulent times!
Prepare to be uplifted, to have fun, be inspired and most importantly to connect in the web of Oneness..
If you aren’t able to be with us on the live call, please register to receive the recording!
In delight,