About the Sanctuary
Welcome Beloved.
Our Intentions
As Earth is now entering a higher patterning and spiral of human evolution, one that honors the wisdom of male and females equally, it is time to bring forward the ancient-future ways of the Sacred Feminine to co-create in Unity Consciousness.
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School offers portals to experience the ways of the Divine Feminine through:
Our Vision
We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine.
We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to Love and heart-centered awareness.
We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple spaces where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.

“I am a mumbling mystic, a brilliant fool, a savant of symbols, a wily wordsmyth, a crone and wise woman of Wyrd, a fairy godmother, a sound priestess and crystal singer, a consciousness trainer, an initiator and truth teller, a lifelong cheerleader for the Goddess, a serpent moon visionary, a scribe and oracle of the Mystery, a Glass Bead Game magister, an archetypal agent for transformation, a mythic guide, a Crazy Wisdom initiator, a divine child magician, a mythic script writer, a harmonic navigator, a planetary midwife and inner dimensions journey guide.”

About Our Founder, Ariel Spilsbury
Ariel is the founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School which is a part of The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School which is dedicated to accessing the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine within each of us! The intention of the 13 Moon Mystery School is to uplift and transform collective consciousness.
As planetary midwives, as a Sanctuary, we join in unified service to unconditional Love and heart centered awareness. Our primary practice is to be living embodiments of divine principles, direct knowledge, and the wisdom that arises through full attention to the present moment! Our focus is on the mythic and archetypal aspects of our Essential Selves.
Ariel’s present focus in consciousness is building the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School to ground the 13 Moon Mystery School in the San Francisco bay area, as a template of the new, balanced paradigm emerging.The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is a non-profit organization whose vision it is to honor Unity Consciousness through the lens of the Divine Feminine. Earth is now entering a higher patterning and spiral of human evolution, one that honors the wisdom of both males and females equally. It is our intention to bring forward the ancient-future ways of the Sacred Feminine, to co-create in Unity consciousness.