


Making Love With The Divine




Event Date:

Jan 07

5:00 pm PDT

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You Are Cordially Invited to the Wedding of Consciousness and Eros! DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR THIRD EYE AN EROGENOUS ZONE? Do you want to raise your ecstasy quotient? If so, join us for our voyage into these Making Love with the Divine transmissions!

      You Are Cordially Invited to the Wedding of Consciousness and Eros!


Do you want to raise your ecstasy quotient?

If so, join us for the voyage of these transmissions! 

Have you ever wondered in an exalted state of loving making, if there is anything beyond the ecstasy of the experience of Eros in the body?  Do you really think that that is as good as it gets? That in the body of the Goddess there is a ceiling on the nature of ECSTASY? 

Suffice it to say, that in my Mother’s house there are “many mansions”,  many frequency domains.. beyond what few “rooms” you have entered here on Earth. Do you really think that the “room” of merging with the Cosmos wouldn’t be a sublimely, sensually sybaritic experience? The good news is that like infinity, the nature of ecstasy is endless! (And I might add, especially for the solo Tantric practitioner for whom the experience of making love with the Divine is just too personal, too spiritually and sensually fulfilling to involve anyone else!)  So how do we access and reach these sublimely supernal realms to taste this exotic spiritual fruit?

First of all by doing the soul work of removing obstacles to directly experiencing Divine Love and thus love of self.. (no small first gateway.)  Then surrendering to Emptiness in utterly focused presence. Then moving out of mind and opening your heart parabolically to invite the direct experience of merging with Divine Ecstasy. 

 These Making Love with the Divine frequency transmissions have been designed by the Divine Feminine to be the rocket fuel to realize the above conditions in Her grace, rather than through an ascetic focus. We will begin our journey with an offering called  


Come prepared to raise your ecstasy quotient  and expand your experience of what ecstasy actually is.. If that sounds titillating to your consciousness, please register to join us on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 5PM PST for our voyage into these Making Love with the Divine transmissions and these ecstatic realms!

In delight, Ariel

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About the Sanctuary:

The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine.

We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to unconditional Love and heart-centered awareness.

We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple space where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.