

JOIN US FOR COMMUNITY LUMINARY: DR. TIA KANSARA VISIONARY SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIST MARK YOUR CALENDARS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH NOON PST Dear Ones.. This is an invitation to an exciting Community Luminaries offering with Dr. Tia Kansara. We are so fortunate to have her share her visionary strategies for moving forward on Earth in a more sustainable … Read more

INVITATION TO EXPERIENCE WADE MCCOLLUM ACTOR/NEUROSCIENCE ACOUSTIC COSMONAUGHT ON COMMUNITY LUMINARIES April 27th, 2022 at Noon PST Beloved Community, Do you want an experience of multi-dimensional awareness in form? Join us for our session with Wade McCollum, who is a multi-hyphenate actor/composer/writer/scientist/entrepreneur whose curiosity to commune with the animating force and drive to be of … Read more

JOIN US FOR COMMUNITY LUMINARY “RICHARD RUDD” (GENE KEYS) February 16 at 12:00PM PST Beloved Community, Rarely, a real mystic appears on Earth who makes the supreme effort to put into words the ineffable.. that which cannot really be spoken. Richard Rudd is such a being. Through being such a clear Divine conduit for the … Read more

COMMUNITY LUMINARIES: RACHEL ADAIR DAWSON ~ THE SACRED TOOL OF THE SWORD AND HAND CRAFTING A SHEATH FOR YOUR SWORD! Wednesday, May 25th at Noon PST Dear ones, Please join us for a focus on the sacred tool of the sword with Rachel Adair Dawson and Ariel, deepening with the use of the sword as … Read more

COMMUNITY LUMINARIES: ELZBETH GOULD ~ THE WELL OF TRUTH! Wednesday, May 25th at Noon PST Beloved Sanctuary Community, Elzbeth is the currently 13 Moon Temple Keeper for the Great Mother. She has long been fascinated with feminine archetypes, mythology,and rites of passage. She has taught and mentored girls at puberty and is the former director … Read more

COMMUNITY LUMINARY CINDY EDSTROM..WEAVER~SPINNER~DREAMER JOIN US FOR A LIVE DEMONSTRATION OF ANCIENT WEAVING TECHNIQUES! March 16th, 2022 at Noon PST Beloved Community, Have you ever considered where your clothes actually come from? Cindy/Itza is a Temple Keeper for the Weaver Dreamer for the Sanctuary and also an actual Weaver ~Spinner~Dreamer who practices the ancient Priestess … Read more

COMMUNITY LUMINARIES: VYANA (HEATHER) REYNOLDS  JOIN US FOR THIS PARADIGM SHIFTING EXPLORATION of Priestessing a visionary social justice movement!! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 AT NOON PST Dear ones, Let’s come together to talk about using Transformative Justice to reset our societal norms, our definition of power, and our beliefs about gender to create more freedom, … Read more

SACRED MALA MAKING WITH COMMUNITY LUMINARY ARTIST SILVIE SACHSEN-COBURG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH, 2023 AT NOON PST Dear Ones.. We are joyful to invite you to attend our first exciting Community Luminary of the year. Her name is Silvie Sachsen-Coburg who resides in Austria. Silvie is an artist,(and mala maker) doula, initiate in devotion, hatha and … Read more

COMMUNITY LUMINARY: MANA SHAMS BIOENERGETIC MEDICAL MEDIUM MARK YOUR CALENDARS Wednesday, MAY 24, 2023 at 12PM PST Dear Ones.. We are very blessed to have as our next Community Luminary, Mana Shams, who is a Bioenergetic Medical Medium. Her background in the medical field for over a decade working with naturopaths. alternative medical doctors, and then … Read more