

The Energies of New and Full Moon in the Moon cycleThe new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase of the moon occurs, it grows and matures until it reaches its ripest expression on the full moon. In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward expression … Read more

On Wednesday, December 13th, we will once again come together in virtual circle for our Drink from Her Well meditation and exploration. Every new moon, Ariel offers this live temple for members and non-members of the Sanctuary to journey to Her Holy Well together. Last moon, we had a wonderfully rich circle, with many new … Read more

On Wednesday, November 16th, we will once again come together in virtual circle for our Drink from Her Well meditation and exploration. Every new moon, Ariel offers this live temple for members and non-members of the Sanctuary to journey to Her Holy Well together. Last moon, we had a wonderfully rich circle, with many new … Read more

The Energies of New and Full Moon in the Moon cycleThe new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase of the moon occurs, it grows and matures until it reaches its ripest expression on the full moon. In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward expression … Read more

The Energies of New and Full Moon in the Moon cycleThe new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase of the moon occurs, it grows and matures until it reaches its ripest expression on the full moon. In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward expression … Read more

On Wednesday, October 18th, we will once again come together in virtual circle for our Drink from Her Well meditation and exploration. Every new moon, Ariel offers this live temple for members and non-members of the Sanctuary to journey to Her Holy Well together. Last moon, we had a wonderfully rich circle, with many new … Read more

The Energies of New and Full Moon in the Moon cycleThe new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase of the moon occurs, it grows and matures until it reaches its ripest expression on the full moon. In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward expression … Read more

On Wednesday, August 16th, we will once again come together in virtual circle for our Drink from Her Well meditation and exploration. Every new moon, Ariel offers this live temple for members and non-members of the Sanctuary to journey to Her Holy Well together. Last moon, we had a wonderfully rich circle, with many new … Read more

On Wednesday, August 16th, we will once again come together in virtual circle for our Drink from Her Well meditation and exploration. Every new moon, Ariel offers this live temple for members and non-members of the Sanctuary to journey to Her Holy Well together. Last moon, we had a wonderfully rich circle, with many new … Read more

The Energies of New and Full Moon in the Moon cycle The new moon is a birth. As the waxing phase of the moon occurs, it grows and matures until it reaches its ripest expression on the full moon. In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward … Read more