

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “HUMILI-TEA” SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Humility has been culturally engrained to mean something quite different from its actual or intended meaning. In this Soul Salon, we are going to investigate the roots and reasons of how humility is actually the ground from which enlightenment takes … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “SERENDIPI-TEA” AUGUST 14, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Serendipity: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries. A type of fluke, good fortune, good luck. a stroke of luck. If you find good things without looking for them, serendipity — unexpected good luck — has brought them to you. … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “SERENI-TEA” JULY 3RD, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, In a world that is woefully short on serenity, we are coming together to share about how we can turn up the volume of that quality in our lives! We will be looking at what seems to assist you in … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “HILARI-TEA” JUNE 5TH, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, One of the most important questions we can ask in our journey of evolving consciousness is: Does spirituality, illumination and enlightenment have to be such a serious business? Who said so? Why do we take ourselves and our spiritual journey … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “EQUANIMI-TEA” APRIL 3RD, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Living in a time in history where external circumstances are beyond chaotic and unpredictable, we are so needing to cultivate the quality of equanimity. We are finding ourselves in the perfect initiation for developing that quality with extreme circumstances. What … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “SINGULARI-TEA” MARCH 6TH, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Whoo hoo!!.. Who knew something so scientific could be so exciting to explore? When we go on deep dives in meditation on our zoom calls,  I say when we leave our heart temples to travel dimensionally, that we are entering … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “CHARI-TEA” FEBRUARY 7TH, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, WHAT IS CHARITY? We are joining in this Soul Salon to have a deeper look at what Charity actually is and where the concept of charity came from. It is not what you have been made to believe solely from … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “AFFINI-TEA” JANUARY 3RD, 2024 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Have you ever met someone in a casual social setting where you felt an instantaneous connection that made your heart leap with recognition? THAT is affinity. That is, with no logical reasons why you feel the way you do, you … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “WHIMSICALI-TEA” DECEMBER 6TH, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, So could there be a word that describes the exact opposite of where we are right now as a cultural collective than whimsicality? What strange timing that when this list of titles for the year was generated almost a year … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “DEVO-TEA” OCTOBER 11TH, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, What is devotion? To what do you express your devotion? How do you express your devotion? What are you a Devotee of? In this Soul Salon, we are going to be exploring what you are devoted to. We will also … Read more