

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “DEVO-TEA” OCTOBER 11TH, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, What is devotion? To what do you express your devotion? How do you express your devotion? What are you a Devotee of? In this Soul Salon, we are going to be exploring what you are devoted to. We will also … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “COMPLIMENTARI-TEA” SEPTEMBER 13TH, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, The Path Sweeper from Alice in Wonderland Does this feel anything like what is happening in YOUR world? The path of known, familiar, predictable reality being swept away right in front of you, demanding that you step into the Unknown … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “FRIVOLI-TEA” JULY 12, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, What can we do to wrest back from the culture we live in, our power and choice to play and do “nothing” in order to have time to be present with What IS, so it is not seen as frivolous? … Read more

Come join us for an investigation into how we hold trust and thus its duality pair betrayal in our inner worlds. We will be looking at Brene Brown’s definition of trust in depth. Please bring an image, poem, song, dance, piece of music etc. that for you represents TRUST. If you have a tea mug … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “SPIRITUALI-TEA” APRIL 5TH, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, HOW DO WE DEFINE AND ASCRIBE MEANING IN LIFE? Spirituality can be defined generally as an individual’s search for ultimate or sacred meaning and purpose in life. We plan to meet for our Soul Salon to share what we have garnered concerning … Read more

CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF ONENESS.. “SIMPLICI-TEA” JUNE 14, 2023 AT 12PM PST Beloved Community, Simplifying is the prerequisite of all mystical experience. A mystic is a being who is able to simplify awareness to see things in their most quintessential essence. Evelyn Underhill defines mysticism as “the art of being in union with Reality. … Read more

Human beings are designed to celebrate together in ecstatic communion!! Let’s come together at this Soul Salon, to look at the structural elements of festival celebrations that are needed to create an uplifting, illuminating, delightful, shared ecstatic experience. Let’s share wisdom around what in your experience works and what doesn’t work to fulfill and delight … Read more

How do YOU perceive sensuality? What is it for you? The condition of being pleasing and fulfilling to the senses? The indulgence of appetite? The great creative inspirerer? What? Come play with us at our Soul Salon Sensuali-Tea Party Wednesday March 2nd Noon Pacific! Please bring something to the tea party that describes what sensuality … Read more

Dear Ones, Perspicacity is more subtle than simply demonstrating high intelligence or mental acuity. It implies a penetrating aspect of intelligence that more than soley reasons and “understands things”. It is one thing to have the intelligence to reason and understand something, it is another to penetrate the more subtle aspects of that which is … Read more

Dear Ones, Perspicacity is more subtle than simply demonstrating high intelligence or mental acuity. It implies a penetrating aspect of intelligence that more than soley reasons and “understands things”. It is one thing to have the intelligence to reason and understand something, it is another to penetrate the more subtle aspects of that which is … Read more