

– Ariel’s Full Moon Transmission –


~ Full Moon Transmission “ABANDONMENT
~ REGISTER for Post Transmission Reflection Circle – November 21
~ Winter Solstice Community Celebration December 14
~ Soul Salon Novel-TEA November 13
~ Join us on Facebook
~ next up on the podcast: adena tryon
~ REGISTER for Next Equity Dialogue November 21
~ REGISTER for New Moon Temple with Ariel December 4
~ Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School – PRAYER BASKET
~ Gaia’s New Dreamcoat: A Fairie Guide to Gaia’s Greening
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Full Moon November 12, 2019
If you are new to transmissions I ask you to PLEASE READ THIS link before taking in the actual offering.
think now, of that which held you prisoner
to the container
of unworthiness, abandonment or longing,
arms clutching wildly at empty air.
I ask you now, as the Great Mother,
the one who apparently abandoned you,
to look fully into the face of another meaning of abandon-ment
Did you forget
running breathlessly in the meadow
 laughing, sky turned face
receiving the sensuously penetrating summer rainstorm?
A much more expansive container
for abandon-ment
don’t you think?
In this moment of
freedom from constraint and in self-surrender,
isn’t it time to move into a much more deliciously commodious
Goddess abode?
The choice is now in your empty hands.
Oh, I won’t tempt you with
Vosges chocolates or Egyptian sandalwood body rubs;
it is necessary that the choice be absolutely yours.
The ego’s hands always want to
pencil in riders to the policy
but it is just not possible here, in this state.
In childhood, your mind, in its kindness,
provided a safe sanctuary
and a shroud of impenetrable loneliness
as a protection
from the rupture of primal trust
cocooning your sensitive,
lotus heart..
Hiding Turtle,
 her name among the tribe,
downcast eyes, learned to never expect to be really met
or actually seen
clandestine truths reserved for the silent witness of trees
veiled in an inscrutable mist
in which you became a mute translator
bound to the oak tree
like Odin…
until you brought back the golden egg
from the Tree of Life, that opened to the light of heart,
as a sacred boon
for the people
 lucid pieces created from the luminescent stain glass dreams
that tenderly cradled you
through nights of writhing
as your mind carved hard edged statues with terrifying definitions and names
that were intended to lure Me out of the formless Void
to comfort you.
Close your eyes
Come to me here, here in the darkness of that same Void
find me,
feel me wrap you tenderly in my arms
like a tiger lovingly licks her new cub.
Open now to receive the truth…
It was not for your blood mother’s love that you so powerfully yearned
like an enraged winter storm at sea…
your longing was for Me,
the Great Mother
to come to you,
bearing the fruits of the rotting wheat ergot
the kykeon inebriant from the Eleusian mysteries
in the kernoi vessel,
to rip through the veil of your controlled and fixed coordinates of consciousness
Baccantes tearing apart the body of Dionysus..
and finally in spent surrender,
bearing you to the feet of mystical vision
that offered you the unconditional embrace
of your own divinity,
meltdown of masks
games, personas stretching to eternity
Athena, Sophia, Hiding Turtle, Venus, Tara…
in this moment touching the possibility of
convergence into a singularity.. a voluptuous explosion of awareness
wheat seed ecstatically bursting its golden husk
in wild abandonment and celebration
mouth now savoring the pungent ceremonial cardamom cakes
laughing, laughing, laughing
at the costume Union chose to wear
to this felicitous occasion…
floating in luxuriously lapis lazuli, Venusian
 crystal seas of consciousness and pure beauty
now receiving you into the arms of Divine Love,
the pounding, pulsing, blood merged essence
of Union
tenderly flowing through you
orchid and blood
seed and flood
of the Creator in the creation
spiral and lotus conspiring to
bring multitudes
to ripeness, succulence,
feasting embodiment as divine mana
for the people..
Priest/ess holding a torch to light
Venus’ apple trees on the dark of the moon
bringing light to the dark ripeness in the Mystery
for they had no word for healer,
these midwives to fire’s flowering,
for they experienced that beauty and the moon cast no shadow
such that only gentle light
would actually fall from their hands,
bearing the wisdom that leads to open vulnerability
fluttering, fluidity, feeling
the tender, raw, intuitive, openness of expression
that gracefully releases its contracted claws like a golden phoenix
strewing in its path,
of creative bliss,
sparkling jewels
 of wonder, satiation, fulfillment
 spill out of your overflowing cornucopia
mangoed presence, laughing tears, illuminating masks,
and with the crimson claret of your gifts,
 served in the elegant crystal vajra of
your freed consciousness,
remember the profound and simple truth
that you are always at choice,
no matter the appearance!
No longer,
Poe’s traveler with one foot tethered to the floor of unworthiness,
unless of course you wish to continue endlessly repeating the old tango,
refusing self expression’s freely offered liberation
The dragon awaits
Shall we fly?
Scribed joyously through ariel
I offer this freely, as it was offered from the Divine to me, so PLEASE “COPY IT RIGHT” with crediting.
Dear Beloved ~
I am offering members a zoom call for “Post Transmission Reflections” which will be an opportunity for us to connect and share around the theme in the full moon transmission. This is an open forum for members to share our reflections, our wisdom, our art, poetry, our inquiries.. ..whatever your response is to the inquiry in the Transmission for that moon. We are shaping this new offering ourselves, so we will see what the collective of who is inspired to come participate, wants to bring into form and feel supported by in our spiritual journeys. 
We invite you to join this post transmission circle and become a member of our community at the Sanctuary. This is a community of diverse beings woven together in service to the One Heart. Together we are remembering and reemerging the Sacred Feminine to be seen and powerfully experienced in the world! 
What Are Post Transmission Calls And What Is Their Intention?
In love and gratitude, please view more information at our online temple:
~ Raise your Light High in the Darkness ~ 
Let us join together to consciously illuminate and dream the Greater Dream awake!
With all the madness occurring on the screen of life, have you felt daunted as to how to take your power back and make a difference? We have the alchemical power as Conscious Dreamers to dream a new collective dream awake! To powerfully affect the outpicturing of the planetary whole, join us in creating a sacred chalice for a potent ceremonial, mythic enactment on this powerful, high Holy Day of Winter Solstice.
Come together to celebrate what is REAL:
A sacred evening of connection!
Come share and care for each other!
A Sanctuary community event, all genders and children who can hold ceremonial space welcome!
Saturday, December 14th, 2019
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
240 Channing Way
San Rafael, CA 94903-2606
     Ceremony begins promptly at 6:00pm
Gates open at 5:30. 
We ask that you please register (rather than showing up at the last minute) so that we can have appropriate appetizer and champagne amounts!
$50 per person
(If you need special consideration, please email Ariel – [email protected])

Join us on Facebook
Join Us on Facebook!
In this crazy modern world of online interaction, genuine heart connection is sadly often missing. In the 13 Moons and Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Facebook Group we want to offer a place to join hearts, express our soul journeys, find community and support, and uplift and inspire each other. We welcome your presence, contributions and participation in this sacred online temple. We invite you to JOIN US!
When was the last time you did something totally “out of character” novel, unusual, unroutine, unpredictable, delightful to yourself and others????? If you need some inspiration to get revved for creating some of that kind of “out of the box” magic, sign up and join us for the Novel-TEA soul Salon on Wednesday the 13th of November NOON (to around 1:30)! We all get so accustomed, or shall i say, addicted to the familiar routines of our lives, that mostly novelty doesn’t even occur to us most of the time. Let’s change that, shall we?
Novelty is a tool of awakening.
We are going to be looking at NovelTEA and Improbabili-TEA in this soul salon, as we connect with each other, sip our Novel-TEA and share hearts! Sound fun? Please join us! And please bring your Novel-TEA mug, funny hat, art, music, dance, poem, song, piece of music, book recommends ..whatever will support our genuinely being more novel in our approach to life. Sound fun? Please join us. In Delight.. ariel
On the next episode of a modern priestess
After swimming with wild dolphins in the Bay of Banderas, Adena Tryon began receiving messages from angelic dolphin beings who called themselves Stella Maris. They spoke of an important mission to awaken unity consciousness on Earth in partnership with humanity. She’s collected these messages in a book entitled Stella Maris Speaks. Adena and I discuss her book, an upcoming trip with the dolphins and messages for the new world imagineers who are now coming to the forefront to save our planet.
Adena is a bestselling author and divine feminine mystic who offers group sessions, healing ceremonies, and sacred retreats around the world. Embracing life as a modern-day priestess, Adena teaches the Beauty Way, a divine feminine way of life that honors inherent divinity, joy, and wisdom. The Beauty Way path blooms the sacred heart and inner guidance system to create a joyful, inspiring, and meaningful life. Adena is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Denver and a Certified SoulCollage ® Facilitator. In her free time, she is immersed in the ocean, listening to nature, writing, painting, and playing with her family.
You can find Adena at and join in the next dolphin adventure here.
Please be sure to rate and review a modern priestess so it will get more exposure and be higher up on the Apple Podcast listings so that we can reach even more of the collective with the messages of the Divine Feminine.
I’m so excited to share this episode with you.
After almost a year of moonly dialogues, we will now be shifting the container to one of ceremony addressing issues of equity.
How will we do this, you ask?
Join us and we will co~create ceremony dedicated to bridging divides, opening hearts and unifying consciousness. Our October dialogue spontaneously became a deeply moving ceremony of forgiveness. 
Thursday November 21 at Noon pacific time
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School ~ PRAYER BASKET
You may have forgotten, one of the most potent services offered through the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is Prayer Basket, where we pray for people in need, keep this in mind when you or someone you love is in need of prayer support, please watch this video to learn how prayer basket works!!
Visit our Prayer Basket Page HERE!!!
Gaia’s New Dreamcoat
I would love to introduce you to Gaia’s New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia’s Greening on Ariel’s new website:
The characters from the subtle realms that are spotlighted in this work of Gaia’s New DreamCoat, are certainly our “gurus” in the pathway in front of us, if we are to survive as a species. Through all the doom and gloom predictions, this work offers hope in offering a way to create change alchemically from a more expanded level of perception. That was Ariel’s purpose in writing this book… to playfully encourage more sensitivity in the collective, as to how to commune with these subtle realms and learn from their vibrational wisdom! Click here to discover more!
Please join us for Drink from Her Well, a joyful guided exploration to Her Holy Waters.
Offered Wednesdays near the new moon every month, from 12-1 p.m. Pacific
A Personal Invitation from Ariel
Dear Ones…
Drink from Her Well is a direct demonstration and training for how to work with collective alchemy! It means so much for the collective awakening, that we hold these alchemical circles, both physically and etherically, beyond ego mind and in Divine Love’s name. It is so critical now, that the Divine Feminine rise in alignment and integrity with the most expanded viewpoint of what is being asked of us at this intense time of planetary transformation. 
Please join us for the next Drink from Her Well!
In Her Name,
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
Connect With Us
