

– Ariel’s Full Moon Transmission – “the Big Letting Go”


~ Full Moon Transmission “THE BIG LETTING GO”
~ REGISTER for Post Transmission Reflection Circle – Nov 4
~ REGISTER for Soul Salon Majes-Tea – Nov 11
~ REGISTER for The Dream Weaver Circle next – Nov 20
~ REGISTER for Drink From Her Well with Ariel Nov 18
~ next up on the a modern priestess podcast: melanie kay – galactic consciousness and gaia’s changing geometry
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Full Moon October 31, 2020
If you are new to transmissions I ask you to PLEASE READ THIS link before taking in the actual offering.
Through Ariel Spilsbury
Consciously letting go
in preparation for
the “pulling away” from form and matter
that Sirius mysteriously exerts
on ripened souls.
Cosmic Love
equally calling from the green flame at the heart of the Sun
that triangulates with Sirius, and a veiled hierarchy..
only veiled due to a
lack of personal experience with Buddhi.. Cosmic Love,
                                 as is found in the heart of every atom,
but must be recognized as that,
to be seen and known.
Veiled behind numbers 14 and 17
cleverly serving as gate guardians
to the initiate who knows not
of the Empress in her true nature
or the Lovers in the mercurial union
of Binah and Tipereth, devotional mystics
and the final splendor of unity as Chokmah..
conscious reunion with non-dual awareness..
But to see and feel that requires knowing that
Freedom is not an abstract quality,
 rather a living attribute of Deity found only within
 which leads to the fourth path of
cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss..
the path of Antahkarana linking higher and lower mind
where-on mystics walk, holding the latent seed within
to its flowering in cosmic rapture
Blissful dancing points of dedication and devotion
               Who recognize that the planet Vulcan does in fact exist
in the orbit of Mercury
but as a mysterious force, not available to ordinary vision
Holding space for journeyers who
get lost or find their way there
through the two blue revolving wheels
turning upon themselves,
in a rotation
that creates space on which
to dance on the diamond square
that rises out of the Cabbalistic Tree of Life
As Kether and Malkuth,
top and bottom of the Tree of Life,
delicately shimmer sensuously
for a Timeless moment into union,
as one world,
on the Tree of Life
ecstatically superimposing over each other
as an old world crumbles, and a new world shines through the rubble.
As the Alchemists so accurately put it:
“In my beginning is my ending..
In my ending is my beginning..”
And what would you try to cling to that wouldn’t appear to allow you
to step through this union that remembers, as Rumi says,
“that the clear bead at the center changes everything.”
Let Go.
In so doing, you blaze the pathway to reunion
with Sirius, the heart of the sun
and the celestial hierarchies
It’s here we sit as a planetary collective
fourth kingdom, fourth solar system of the fourth order,
Now having the opportunity to make the conscious choice for
mercy, unconditional Love , receptive intelligence,
Is it time to step into this energy of Chesed
the fourth Sephirot on the Tree of Life?
And what would you try to cling to
that would appear to keep you from stepping through the gateway
at the center?
Letting go into Mahat… Universal Mind
through this fourth pathway?
Let go of fear.
You ARE at choice.
That is, you are participating in freedom,
not as an abstract quality but as a living attribute of Deity within you
and not some personality masquerade
of pre-packaged choices leading entropically to nowhere..
choices constellating around the false god of Fear
that will make unpleasant and smelly consciousness cul-de-sacs
of those choices!
Let Go!
Enter the path to Sirius
hearing the tinkling silver bells of the Pleaides
whose feet pass lightly upon the radiant path
between our world and Hers,
giving passage to light relay torch runners
such as yourselves,
bravely entering the poisoned citadel
to re- light the central brazier fire
with the ten shining sapphires
All things mediated through the lens of devotion and beauty
In Tiperhet
Illumined consciousness.
So Let Go!
There is actually nothing to fear in letting go
if there is only Buddhi,
Cosmic Love
 at the center of all choices, all atoms, all life.
Is there?
Is it the designated time, in Kairos, for you to actually let go
 and utterly trust the path
to the center?
If so..consciously step through..
Begin that journey now…
Synthesized and inspired into poetic form through ariel
from Alice Bailey’s The Rays and the Initiations
I offer this freely, as it was offered from the Divine to me, so PLEASE “COPY IT RIGHT” with crediting.
Dear Beloved ~
I am offering members a zoom call for Post Transmission Reflections which will be an opportunity for us to connect and share around the theme in the full moon transmission. This is an open forum for members to share our reflections, our wisdom, our art, poetry, our inquiries.. ..whatever your response is to the inquiry in the Transmission for that moon. We are shaping this new offering ourselves, so we will see what the collective of who is inspired to come participate, wants to bring into form and feel supported by in our spiritual journeys. 
We invite you to join this post transmission circle and become a member of our community at the Sanctuary. This is a community of diverse beings woven together in service to the One Heart. Together we are remembering and reemerging the Sacred Feminine to be seen and powerfully experienced in the world! 
What Are Post Transmission Calls And What Is Their Intention?
In love and gratitude, please view more information at our online temple:

Join us on Facebook
Join Us on Facebook!
In this crazy modern world of online interaction, genuine heart connection is sadly often missing. In the 13 Moons and Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Facebook Group we want to offer a place to join hearts, express our soul journeys, find community and support, and uplift and inspire each other. We welcome your presence, contributions and participation in this sacred online temple. We invite you to JOIN US!
In this moon’s Soul Salon Tea Party we will be investigating the nature of Majesty          
From the poet Rumi:
Majesty is that composite attention felt as a presence, dawn, a company of friends, a splendor that is prior to and the source of, the Universe.”
 “Anyone who feeds on Majesty becomes eloquent!”
Join us for this delightful investigation into Majesty. So that we can connect hearts more deeply and get to know you, please bring to share with us something that to you feels like majesty: a story, poem, piece of music, dance, art and certainly a tea MUG for your Majes-TEA to be shared with us. If you wish to dress as your Majesty, please do delight us with that! Please consider your own majesty and if there is something you wish to share with us about that. (NO that is not bragging.. it is allowing us to know you in a more full way including that which makes you totally unique and special in this whole Universe! ) Please register here.LINK If you are unable to be present at the live event, register and you will receive the recording afterward.. (And of course, we would be delighted for you to be there live to enjoy your presence and sharing in our heart community of Beloveds!) Be Welcomed! Connect in the Web of Oneness.. ariel
Wednesday, November 11th at noon pacific
Ariel Spilsbury
The Dream Weaver Circle
Do you dream vividly and garner guidance and support from your dreams? If so, consider joining Priest/ess’ from around the world in the Dream Weaver Circle to share and connect around dreams. We will hold a zoom call once a moon to look at and garner the wisdom from our personal and collective dreams. We will also set the patterning to connect etherically in Dream Temples. Our next Dream Weaver circle will be Friday, November 20th, 2020 at 10am Pacific.
Throughout all times, Priest/ess’ have been sensitive receptors for the Greater Divine Dream, dreaming itself through us. They have functioned as oracles seeing into the non-linear matrix of time and space, as sensitive instruments aware of a broader spectrum of quantum possibilities manifesting. They have been messengers for the archetypal realms who interface and seed divine, creative possibilities through the non-linear nature of dreams. For the collective community, oftentimes they were harbingers of events providing an immediate opportunity to act on the messages delivered from higher realms. It is for all these reasons, that we gather as a Dream Weaver Circle. If, as an aspect of your Priest/esshood, you perceive of yourself as a conscious Dreamer in these reflections, then join us in service, by submitting dreams that have this mythic, collective, archetypal and transpersonal quality. 
 This Dream Weaver’s circle focuses on dreams that are archetypal and mytho-poetic in nature. It is the intention of this offering to look for the larger patterns in the collective Dreamfield that are emerging through the lens of the conscious dreaming of the priest/esses in the circle. As well, themes can be suggested for our conscious dreaming of reality, that can and do affect the collective Dreamfield matrix.
   It is not the intention of this circle to analyze or necessarily even to respond to the dreams, as each recipient will garner his/her own wisdom, inspiration and gifts from sharing a given dream. However, if you choose to respond by lucidly entering the Dreamtime to share and commune telepathically, that is certainly being encouraged!
Please enjoy going to have a look at the new Dream Weaver offering on the Sanctuary website, where you can post dreams, make comments and find the schedule for our once a moon zoom call Dream Weaver circles! Click HERE!
If you are interested in connecting with other dreamers between moonly zoom calls please join our facebook group: Click here to join Facebook group
galactic consciousness and gaia’s changing geometry
On the next episode of a modern priestess:
Melanie Kay has dedicated her life to a path of service to the Earth’s Ascension. In this episode we talk about Galactic Consciousness and the Journey of 13 as the primary template for evolutionary advancement – She states that when we understand the pattern of the 13 and embody it, we are indeed increasing our resonance with the natural world, therefore increasing synchronicity and magical realism in our lives.

We discuss her magic carpet ride to the major vortices of the planet and the changing of the primary geometry of Gaia from a merkaba to a dodecahedron, and what that actually means.
Melanie is a Licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, Galactic High Priestess and Ascension Researcher. Her work can be found at 
Listen on and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or at
I’m so excited to share this episode with you.
Enjoy your time in The Living Library Dear One.
It is here to nurture you as you walk your soul path, to feed and inspire your spirit to spin gold from the threads and gems you find here!
Please join us for Drink from Her Well, a joyful guided exploration to Her Holy Waters.
Offered Wednesdays near the new moon every month, from 12-1 p.m. Pacific
November 18, 2020
A Personal Invitation from Ariel
Dear Ones…
Drink from Her Well is a direct demonstration and training for how to work with collective alchemy! It means so much for the collective awakening, that we hold these alchemical circles, both physically and etherically, beyond ego mind and in Divine Love’s name. It is so critical now, that the Divine Feminine rise in alignment and integrity with the most expanded viewpoint of what is being asked of us at this intense time of planetary transformation. 
Please join us for the next Drink from Her Well!
In Her Name,
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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