

Joyous Summer Solstice Greetings!


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${passThrough(‘[#if Contact.firstName?? && Contact.firstName?trim != “” ]Beloved ${Contact.firstName},[#else]Greetings![/#if]’)}
Litha Summer Solstice June 20th 2020  
Fire, South, red, longest day of the year.
Observing from an overview pattern of the Turns of the Wheel of the year, we appear presently to be in a strange transposition of energies. Rather than being energetically at light maximus as is usual at Summer Solstice, we, as a collective, seem to be experiencing the exact opposite energy of the process in Alchemy called “The Dark Night of the Soul” which would normally energetically be more aligned with Winter Solstice energy. Within this alchemical process of Fulmination, shadow that has been operating outside of our attention and awareness, is being catalyzed and fulminated to the surface to be purified. The material in the alchemical cauldron becomes agitated, like vinegar being poured into milk.(Oh my is that ever happening!) Personally in this process we are called to first recognize and then work with what unresolved shadow material is currently arising from that agitation, that is obstructing our full expression as Divine beings. Together as a human family we are alchemically in a deliberate, evolutionary set up for soul initiation.
In this initiation, as a collective we now find ourselves necessarily, precariously poised like a tightrope walker over the abyss of the Unknown
(If we knew the outcome, it wouldn’t truly be an initiation!) What you may have forgotten is that we have practiced for this time, for lifetimes: not going into fear, staying centered no matter what appearance arises, so that we can face this initiation of stepping through those appearances into freedom, and not in some other life time, but in THIS one! In this Dark Night of the Soul initiation, each of us now has the opportunity to face and transform our soul level piece of shadow/negredo, that is presently being vibrationally activated and amplified with the intention of clearing it for ourselves AND the collective mind field of Earth, that we may transition personally and as a species, from the un-awakened, over consumptive caterpillar into our awakened, unified, soul butterfly selves.
THIS IS NOT JUST A METAPHOR! This process is actually happening alchemically now on Earth. Within the chrysalis of our apparent separation, we are dissolving and reforming, re-tuning and rewiring from the inside out, as a natural part of an alchemical process of evolution, which is assisting us in dissolving the fractally repeating, soul shadow material that has dogged us over lifetimes. We are being called to take radical responsibility to support this alchemical process with our personal choices for freedom. If we are intending to emerge as the freed butterfly, we are doing that, through our vigilance in embracing IN LOVE the persistently identified and attached soul shadow when it arises, rather than denying, judging and rejecting it inside ourselves and in others! In Alchemy this process is called Umbra-solis…the sun AND its shadow complete the Great Work. Please deeply consider that it isn’t the “getting rid of” or healing shadow, rather the full, loving embrace of it that will complete the alchemical Great Work we are engaged in personally and as a species at this time of the Dark Night of the Soul! Intend that this be the final clearing and loving embrace into wholeness of the shadow patterns that are no longer serving our LIBERATION! Let us embrace the shadow personally and collectively and choose to fly together as Freed Soul Butterflies into a chosen and co-created new reality of our making, choice by choice !!! 
And this is the transformative, critical awareness to remember: THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT CHOICE, NO MATTER HOW IT APPEARS THAT WE MAY NOT BE! That is freedom. Consensus reality only remains stuck, stagnant and unyielding to change as long as we continue to support its beliefs and choices with our choices. A new reality emerges as we step out of victim consciousness, making empowered choices and take radical responsibility for taking back our innate power and freedom to choose! Let us choose to exercise that freedom together!
If you are in the SF Bay area, come celebrate our consciously held Summer Solstice celebration on Sat. June 20th. Click here to find out more and RSVP.
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
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The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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