

Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School – New Moon Newsletter – “the Primal Goddess”


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~ “The Primal Goddess” Transmission
~ REGISTER for Dream Weavers Circle – Nov 5
~ REGISTER for the New Moon Temple with Ariel – Drink From Her Well – Nov 10
~ REGISTER for Re-visioning-Alchemy Circle – Nov 12
REGISTER for our Next Community Luminaries “Eden Amadora” – Nov 17
~ REGISTER for Mystery Mirabilis – Nov 26
~ REGISTER for Soul Salon “Congruit-Tea” – Dec 1
~ Support the Sanctuary effortlessly through
~ Join us on Facebook & Follow us on Instagram
~ Living Library featuring: “The Primal Goddess Mudra”
New Moon Thursday, November 4, 2021
“She who is Natural, Instinctual,
 Untamed and Free”
What is holy?
My body is holy.
What is holy?
My primal power is holy.
What is holy?
My instinct is holy.
What is holy?
My creativity is holy.
What is holy?
My sexuality is holy.
What is holy?
My heat, my flame,
my passion is holy.
What is holy?
The rhythm of creation is holy.
What is holy?
My power as geneatrix is holy.
What is holy?
My wild, untamed nature is holy.
What is holy?
My freedom is holy.
What is holy?
I am holy. I am holy. I am holy.
In honor of all that is holy,
I invite you to step into your erotic blueprint.
It’s time to clear the shackles of shame and guilt around our sexuality.
Pleasure is our birthright
Are you ready to claim it?
For a deeper dive, Janice recommends the following video:
Janice Criag, the Temple Keeper of The Primal Goddess Temple offers this transmission.
Learn more about Janice HERE
Guiding Principles & Guidelines
for Preparation and Participation in
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Circles
A STRONG REQUEST from Ariel to watch these important GUIDELINES for all Sanctuary circles!!
Dear Sanctuary community..
 Many of us, of necessity during this time, are having to use for buying necessities. It has come to our attention that there is a division called that if you simply log into instead of, you can designate the Sanctuary to receive the percentage they offer to any organization that is listed with them, which the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is. This could represent a real benefit to the Sanctuary that costs you nothing. So if you want to sign up to, for us to receive that benefit.. please click on the banner above. If you are in alignment, we thank you for supporting and valuing our community in this way. It is an effortless way for you to support our Sanctuary.
In Devotion to the One Heart ..
ariel and the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School!
Inspiring wonder, astonishment, miracles!
Dear ones,

 Have you always searched for the deeper meaning in things?
Do you wonder about the larger patterns and how everything fits together?
 Where do you have a place to bounce the Mystery around in a circle of magical beings?
(These live circles are supportive of the Sanctuary Instagram page, where you can play the Mystery Mirabilis game of responding to the mystery questions for points toward a prize. Sound fun? If so, join us on Friday, November 26 at Noon Pacific. (Accruing points towards a free deck of her Consciousness Koan Cards!) Mostly, we just want you to have fun playing with consciousness and deepening with the Mystery!
In delight, Ariel
The Dream Weaver Circle
Do you dream vividly and garner guidance and support from your dreams? If so, consider joining Priest/ess’ from around the world in the Dream Weaver Circle to share and connect around dreams. We will hold a zoom call once a moon to look at and garner the wisdom from our personal and collective dreams. We will also set the patterning to connect etherically in Dream Temples. Our next Dream Weaver circle will be Friday, October 8th, 2021 at 12pm Pacific.
Throughout all times, Priest/ess’ have been sensitive receptors for the Greater Divine Dream, dreaming itself through us. They have functioned as oracles seeing into the non-linear matrix of time and space, as sensitive instruments aware of a broader spectrum of quantum possibilities manifesting. They have been messengers for the archetypal realms who interface and seed divine, creative possibilities through the non-linear nature of dreams. For the collective community, oftentimes they were harbingers of events providing an immediate opportunity to act on the messages delivered from higher realms. It is for all these reasons, that we gather as a Dream Weaver Circle. If, as an aspect of your Priest/esshood, you perceive of yourself as a conscious Dreamer in these reflections, then join us in service, by submitting dreams that have this mythic, collective, archetypal and transpersonal quality. 
 This Dream Weaver’s circle focuses on dreams that are archetypal and mytho-poetic in nature. It is the intention of this offering to look for the larger patterns in the collective Dreamfield that are emerging through the lens of the conscious dreaming of the priest/esses in the circle. As well, themes can be suggested for our conscious dreaming of reality, that can and do affect the collective Dreamfield matrix.
   It is not the intention of this circle to analyze or necessarily even to respond to the dreams, as each recipient will garner his/her own wisdom, inspiration and gifts from sharing a given dream. However, if you choose to respond by lucidly entering the Dreamtime to share and commune telepathically, that is certainly being encouraged!
Please enjoy going to have a look at the new Dream Weaver offering on the Sanctuary website, where you can post dreams, make comments and find the schedule for our once a moon zoom call Dream Weaver circles! Click HERE!
If you are interested in connecting with other dreamers between moonly zoom calls please join our facebook group: Click here to join Facebook
Revealing Sound as a Healer, Transformer, Awakener with Eden Amadora,Community Luminary

November 17, 2021 at 12:00PM PST
Dear Ones,
“Evolution is sound directed travel through the octaves of consciousness.” Ariel 13 Moon Oracle
Sound is a potent transformer, healer and awakener. Sound is tonal insight. Form is simply crystalized music and vibration. Many of us have become aware of the healing nature of sound. There is another level of awareness concerning how sound affects conscious evolution directly. Eden Amadora is a 13 Moon Focalizer/Priestess with a powerful specialty lineage in sound transmission, crystal singing and embodied esoteric wisdom about the potent use of sound in our Priest/ess practices. We invite you to join us to share in this wisdom and direct experience with sound on Community Luminaries, where Eden will be offering experiences in the conscious use of sound to heal, awaken and transform! 
Join us on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 12PM PST
Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle
“May thine eye be single.”
Dear Beloveds…
For me, the most potent aspect of Empty Presence is the alchemical transmutation that becomes possible as we hold that field together. We are inspired to offer a moonly call expressly to focus our attention on collective transmutation through alchemical re-visioning, as we are trained to do in etheric Priest/ess temples. That is, with our unified attention in Emptiness, to re-script and re-vision what appearances on the screen of life are most requiring transformation at the time, while also amplifying and giving thanks for that which IS changing and working toward life sustaining choices. We have the power to work WITH Divine intention to change the constructs we have chosen to accept and call “reality”. Whether you call that process the hundredth monkey theory postulated by Rupert Sheldrake as morphogenetic field theory or the formula for shifting underlying reality constructs postulated by Gregg Braden in the Divine Matrix of the square root of one percent of the human population, it is the same operant principle. The summation of which can be simply stated:
WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the outcome of the “reality movie” in which we participate!
Do you hear the call to be a part of a Re-visioning-Alchemy circle to make a shift in the reality constructs of this planet? If so, please join us for our maiden Voyage to the Temple of Astraea on the etheric to remember and be re-trained in this advanced Priestess meditation art!
Let us gather in our unified power as Priest/esses to offer the ancient art of Re-visioning-Alchemy for the Purpose of being the Divine Shuttle Reweaving the collective Dream!
Join us for our Voyage to the etheric Priest/ess Temple of Astraea (that we journeyed to at Winter Solstice) to dimensionally gather for this sacred intention.
Friday, November 12, 2021 at 5:30PM PST
We know we have the power to shift
the collective constructs of this planet
through our unified intention in Love!
Let us use our singular vision for the potent purpose
of greatly needed alchemical transmutation!
( Through Priest/esses mythically spinning straw into alchemical gold!)
In Oneness…Ariel
Wednesday, December 1st at Noon PST
Dear Ones,
…. Around what consistent pattern or organizing principle is your life presently being structured? 
…..What core belief systems direct the flow of your life force?
….. At this time, what is some part of your life or process that is incongruous with your life as a harmonious whole?
These are some of the inquiries we will be making at our next Congrui-TEA party at Soul Salon. We will be looking at how harmony can be re-established when incongruity is unconsciously running. We want to encourage you to bring specific examples from your life about the above inquiries. And if you have other structures besides mandalas that are examples of structures that create congruity, please bring those. It goes without saying that we invite you to bring a tea mug that for you represents congruity, or for that matter to stretch your creativity to see if you can dress in something that, to you, represents congruity symbolically! If you have a poem, songs, dance or art that encapsulates this exploration of congruity, please bring that to share to enlighten and enliven us!!
Join us on Wednesday, December 1, at 12:00PM PST
 In delight…Ariel
13 Moon Oracle

I would love to tell you about the 13 Moon Oracle on Ariel’s new website:
The 13 Moon Oracle is a dimensional surfboard! It offers a means for expanding consciousness simply through being with the vibration of its transmission. It is designed as a consciousness tuning fork to open you to divine, archetypal interface. Click here to discover more!
Enjoy your time in The Living Library Dear One.
It is here to nurture you as you walk your soul path, to feed and inspire your spirit to spin gold from the threads and gems you find here!
Please join us for Drink from Her Well, a joyful guided exploration to Her Holy Waters.
Offered Wednesdays near the new moon every month, from 12-1 p.m. Pacific
November 10th, 2021at 12PM PST
Watch a personal invitation from Ariel!
A Personal Invitation from Ariel
Dear Ones…
Drink from Her Well is a direct demonstration and training for how to work with collective alchemy! It means so much for the collective awakening, that we hold these alchemical circles, both physically and etherically, beyond ego mind and in Divine Love’s name. It is so critical now, that the Divine Feminine rise in alignment and integrity with the most expanded viewpoint of what is being asked of us at this intense time of planetary transformation. 
Please join us for the next Drink from Her Well!
In Her Name,

Join Us on Facebook!
In this crazy modern world of online interaction, genuine heart connection is sadly often missing. In the 13 Moons and Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Facebook Group we want to offer a place to join hearts, express our soul journeys, find community and support, and uplift and inspire each other. We welcome your presence, contributions and participation in this sacred online temple. We invite you to JOIN US!
Follow us on Instagram!
Every day, I, (Ariel Spilsbury) am offering a beautiful, evocative image with a few inspiring words that create a DAILY IMAGE ORACLE meditation that comes to you via Instagram each day! Each of these images is worthy of a full meditation/contemplation, and added to the image are richly layered words that further illuminate and bring life and deeper meaning to the image. Consider each oracle as if it were specifically chosen for you. This may appear to be a transpersonal revelation, but the truth is, your personal transformation affects all others in the hologram. We are all drops of the same ocean.
Enjoy this new service from The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School!
We invite you to become a part of the circuit of unconditional Love that naturally and continually circulates as we fully step into its golden current. The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is a place where you will find heart community with whom you can thrive in that Love. We welcome you to join us as a sustaining member of the Sanctuary to share, connect and flourish in the passionate, peaceful, joy-filled world that we create together!
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission: We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine. 
We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to Love and heart-centered awareness.
We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple space where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.
Connect With Us
