

Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons – Halaritea {recording And Notes} September 18, 2019


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Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Soul Salons
Soul Salons ~ HalariTEA
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Thank you for joining the zoom Spiritual Tea Party focused on humor yesterday, The Halari-TEA was a total delight to our hearts! Please enjoy the recording and the reflections we shared with each other!
The Halari-TEA was a total delight to my heart! Thanks for coming to play! I truly hope that we all have more commitment to staying light-hearted and playful, (less serious) no matter the appearances in our lives! And in simple ways, whether that be reaching for a silly hat, a funny coffee mug, a ridiculous pair of glasses.. whatever means at our disposal to lift our moods when we are sagging with a feeling of overwhelm or weighed down by appearances and circumstances! I am going to attach and put in the bottom of this email my Rapp on Halari-tea for your further investigation with joy, laughter and playfulness!
I hope you will delight in registering for the final Soul Salon of this series next week the Possibili-TEA on Wednesday the 25th of September at Noon pacific. Vyana will be co-creating this delightful dive into Possibili-TEA!!
REGISTER HERE for our THIRD Tea Party: PossibiliTEA.. How the stories you tell yourself limit or expand your possibilities to Re-Frame your reality so that it works for you!! Third Virtual Tea Party Wednesday, September 25th at 12:00pm!!
“I recently received some ‘Laughing Stock’, from a friend. It was unexpected and made my day, no my week. This is such a novel and fun idea. I literally laughed out loud when I opened my gift. I had never seen or thought of anything like this. If anyone asks me if I own stock, I can now say yes! Laughing Stock!!
I instantly thought of many friends that ‘have everything’ and I never know what to get them. This is it!!! There are so many fun ways to play with Laughing Stock. I have always felt that laughter is a great unifier and universal healer….so why not invest in it? You receive a numbered certificate for Laughing Stock. There is a fun questionnaire to fill out that challenges you to uplift your life with levity and let’s face it, who couldn’t use a really great laugh right now? I guess I do want to be a “laughing stock“, after all…who knew? I love novelty, I love fun, I love to laugh and I love to bring and share joy, “Laughing Stock” covers all the bases in the most amusing ways. A true delight!” Improv artist Kore Taylor.
Enjoy the following investigation with joy, laughter and playfulness!!
Ariel Spilsbury If you forward or post, please properly credit, copy-it-right!
Soul Salons : HalariTEA
One of the most important questions we can ask in our journey of evolving consciousness is: Does spirituality, illumination and enlightenment have to be such a serious business? Who said so? Why do we take ourselves and our spiritual journey so seriously? What if enlightenment actually had to do instead with lightening up? Look at the Dalai Lama for example, always playful, smiling, joking, laughing. On the way into the Whitehouse to meet with the president a few years ago, he was seen on national TV picking up snow, eating it, and throwing it at the newscaster! Suffice it to say, that my lifestream has been a continual refinement of the Maya’s invective to me early on in my life, that a sense of humor is indeed the hallmark of higher consciousness!
Consider why in English, certain people are described as “deadly” serious. Remembering that “seriousness is the dread of the unpredictable outcome of open possibility. To be serious is to press for a specified conclusion.” (James Carse) In the spirit of self-discovery, rather than self- judgment, on a scale of serious on the one end (1) , to playful on the other (10), where do you sit? Do you want to do anything about changing that? What would that look like in your actual 3D life?
There is a piece from the Muse in The Alchemy of Ecstasy called “The Alchemy of Laughter” . In it we are asked to really look at laughter, play, silliness in the light of looking at humor as consciousness lubricant, in its evolutionary potential!
From that piece, let us look together at the question of what evolutionary purpose laughter could possibly serve.
“The purpose of things like sneezing or having an orgasm, well that’s pretty clear what purpose they are serving, but laughter? Laughter spoke up directly and said:
‘If man IS that he might have joy’, then where does that put laughter in the picture of life? Pretty prominently, doesn’t it just. If our very divine license to BE is maintained and renewed by laughter, hey you can’t knock that. Evolutionarily speaking, if we are Goddess’ little liturgical divertissement in the evolving hologram in the mind of God.. and IF resonance is a primary a priori warp of this reality looming, which it is, then laughter would make all the sense in the world.. laughter being a primary medium in which natural resonance occurs..’
Let’s look more deeply at that. How does laughter promote natural resonance? When two or more people are laughing they are bringing their fields into spontaneous natural resonance with each other.(Or by yourself into internal resonance). Then anything that happens directly after that, we tend to be more open, more synced up and aligned with. The ego has a harder time maintaining its serious stance and hard line identification after laughing together. Imagine for a moment, you are having a serious disagreement with someone and you spontaneously burst into operatically singing your complaint or position rather than logically arguing about it, laughter would naturally ensue and you could potentially begin to actually HEAR each other so that you could dissolve and resolve the understanding barrier
What else does laughter do? How does it serve you?
It frees you from the prison of singularly linear perception. When you hear a joke, what makes you laugh? Finding two seemingly different things in a single reality frame in the same moment. Someone tells a joke; what makes it funny?  You, for a moment see a different possibility than you had been enculturated to see or expect. Jokes break expectations and thus indentifications with the way the ego sees itself and maintains its opinions and perceptions and thus its self-importance. LAUGHTER IS AN EGO BUSTER! 
And from The Alchemy of Ecstasy again:
“On the level of breakthroughs in awareness, laughter is food with which to break free from perceptual prisons, because all of a sudden in a moment, everything can become very funny in Goddess’ holographic movie.. And with any luck, in a reverberating epiphany, you get the cosmic joke that we are actually incarnating as lively, though easily distractible, little holograms in the Goddess’ colossal entertainment called Consciousness. At that point you recognize that you can simply choose to relax, slow down, not take it all so seriously… because hey, due to a number of factors as humans, such as distractibility and addiction to the familiar and known, this divine game could take life times to master! In that illuminating awareness, laughter becomes the Revealer, ripping off the mask of appearances so that epiphany, the apprehension of a things soul, its essence, can shine through. Laughter lifts the veil for moments, so you see through this twice removed explicate reality into the primary or implicate order of reality that lies behind the appearance of things, into the causative, generative matrix of the world of archetypes.
Simply put, joy and laughter are a Divine access code. Laughter and joy were designed as rejoining compounds. They provide the medium for divine reunion. They are the canaries that lead us to the main vein of gold in this alchemical gold mine that we are, in the gold rush, leading to freedom.. illuminated consciousness.. divine depth charge into Oneness, pulled through multiple realities through our simple permeability to the Divine primarily due to joy and laughter which parted the veils long enough for us to see the road map to complete this particular journey of being transparent to divine rapture…to the rapture of Union!”
“On the soul journey, eventually you stumble across the alchemy of laughter as a means to enlightenment.. simply through remaining open to the gifting that can only come through the vulnerability of joy, like the bell-like laughter of a flower in the sun.. laughter that is like pollen, spreading its truth evanescently, but potently, in wonder, seeding creations. Laughter that renders us transparent to the divine, the sublime…laughter that joyfully blows us as bubbles of delight that through wonder and awe, expands us, opens us, constantly bursting us into the next new now moment, offering the bubbles that are translucent rainbow reflections of our innate being in the Divine… open, naked, fluidly moving, floating freely, vulnerable to wonder.. open to the frequency of magic, that to perceive it, requires that we be vulnerable, authentically unguarded, innocent, unshielded in order to fully receive our inheritance of the alchemical gold of Consciousness. Laughter encourages us to laugh at our present predicaments, whatever your mind tells you that predicament “is” right now. Laugh. Yes, you are vulnerable when you laugh, that is, penetrable by the Divine, able to be struck with inspiration, spiritus, caught off guard. In laughter and play the Muse can sneak into your heart temple and kindle the truth so that its heat begins to percolate your consciousness into a distillation of ever more refined vibration and potentized Essence.”
(If you want the complete download on “the Alchemy of Laughter”, you may wish to purchase The Alchemy of Ecstasy and find it in the Muse archetype. I genuinely hope you choose to purchase an Alchemy as it is truly a highly refined guide to your freedom and a life time curriculum of this expanded resonance of ‘information’ directly from the Divine Feminine!) 
 Also on the same website you will want to get your Laughing Stock.. the shares are going up every day!
In Delight,
REGISTER HERE for our THIRD Tea Party: PossibiliTEA.. How the stories you tell yourself limit or expand your possibilities to Re-Frame your reality so that it works for you! Third Virtual Tea Party Wednesday, September 25th at 12:00pm!!
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The 13 Moon Mystery School is a part of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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