Please join The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School for our
Winter Solstice Mythic Enactment and Celebration
on Sat. December 18th
Offered as a gift by Heart Donation
Gates Open at 6:00pm
Event from 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Unitarian Universalist Church, San Rafael, CA
This is an in-person event that will be live streamed on YouTube
(If you are a YouTube user, login and click on the bell to set a reminder)
We will provide a Sacred Theater Mythic Enactment
Sacrament and libations
(No food is being provided at this event, please plan accordingly)
A gift from the Sanctuary by Heart Donations Only
A mask of illusion you are willing to disidentify with and shed. If in your joy, a homemade sweet treat to share with community.
There will be a sacred commerce table with gifts to buy for Solstice.
As a means to be together, and in alignment with guidelines for public gatherings at this time, our invitation to participate in person is to either bring evidence of the results of a negative home test on the 18th or we will make available at no cost, Rapid Test as a first gate. Thank you for your kind understanding of this necessity at this time. This issue has been such a cause for polarized opinions, may we instead choose to UNIFY and be together in the One Heart!
Please be considerate and register now, as it is important that we have an accurate count of participants for several important reasons! Thank you!