

13 Moon Mudras


Guided Audio


Ariel Spilsbury

Introducing the “13 Moon Mudras” video series, a powerful tool to deepen your connection with the Archetypal Faces of the Divine Feminine presented in the 13 Moon Oracle. Narrated by Ariel Spilsbury, and demonstrated by Kore Taylor, each video showcases a physical mudra that is associated with one of the 13 feminine archetypes, providing a tangible way to embody and connect with the energies of these archetypes.

These mudras can be used for meditation, ritual, or simply as a way to enhance your daily practice. Through this exploration, you can unlock a deeper understanding of the divine feminine and cultivate a greater sense of inner awareness and connection to the mystery of the universe.

About Ariel Spilsbury:

Ariel is the founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School and The Sanctuary of the Open Heart, dedicated to accessing the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine within each of us! The intention of The Sanctuary of the Open Heart is to uplift and transform collective consciousness. As planetary midwives, we join in unified service to unconditional Love and heart centered awareness. Our primary practice is to be living embodiments of divine principles, direct knowledge, and the wisdom that arises through full attention to the present moment! Our focus is on the mythic and archetypal aspects of our Essential Selves.

Ariel Spilsbury has had a life of eighty years devoted to the honoring of the Divine Feminine. That has taken many forms. She is a planetary midwife and Priestess of the Goddess. Her passion is participating in the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. This takes the form of traveling to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine around the globe, which she has done for over forty years. This teaching has been offered through writing books, ceremonial initiation, sacred theater presentations, and maintaining a lifelong temple for the Goddess. Ariel is a cheerleader for consciousness, ceremonialist and consciousness initiator. She presently offers mentoring, spiritual counseling services and various events and trainings with the intention of planetary awakening. She offers Initiation into the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine, through her self initiating curriculums, in the books she has written:
…..The Mayan Oracle
…. The Alchemy of Ecstasy: Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries
….. The 13 Moon Oracle.
…..13 Moon Oracle: Finding Guidance From Within
….Gaia’s New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia’s Greening

Ariel’s present focus in consciousness is building the Sanctuary of the Open Heart to physically ground the 13 Moon Mystery School in the San Francisco bay area, as a template of a new, balanced paradigm. The Sanctuary of the Open Heart is a non-profit organization whose vision it is to honor Unity Consciousness through the lens of the Divine Feminine. Earth is now entering a higher patterning and spiral of human evolution, one that honors the wisdom of both males and females equally. It is our intention to bring forward the ancient-future ways of the Sacred Feminine, to co-create in Unity consciousness. If the simple words and descriptions of the Sanctuary, that you will read on the Sanctuary website, touch your heart and resonate as part of your journey, please respond to our heart-felt invitation to joyfully make this Sanctuary a living reality!