The Weaver Dreamer
Elayne Kalila
I come to you in this moment from deep within the center of the web of all life- I come to you from the tree of life whose roots are in this very moment reaching to you in the deep darkness of the earth herself. Reaching out in the knowing of interconnection. Can you feel your root? Deep down in your sacrum a tap root dropping down into the fecundity of the Mother herself. Can you feel your root meeting the roots of all the other living beings, plants, animals, humans, of the waters, and rocks, minerals and medicines of this incredible living breathing conscious that WE are all part of. And can you feel the magnetic pull of the crystalline star at the center of the earth? And can you dare to feel that star at the center of the earth open you into a deep dark cosmic night sky? As above so below. I am here as the remembrance of the web of all life and the mythic dance that we have all come to dance. I see a brilliance in you. A kind of beauty that is at the very Essence of who you are – and I call you to weave this very particular gift and genius into the web of all life. I am the greater than imagined possibility of who you came here to be – all held within the depth of your very being. I am the dream that you came to dream and the light that you are to weave into the world. In holding the Weaver Dreamer temple I am here to ask you to look at the bigger picture of who you came here to be and the sacred purpose that burns bright in your essence asking to be fully realized. I am the challenge of that brilliance being birthed through in remembrance of the great connection you hold to all life- across all time… I am that Mythic Life that you came to live. And I am that which connects you to the remembrance of the gift you came here to give. So if you want to wander on by the temple of the Weaver Dreamer- be ready to be called into the leading role that you came to play- be willing to receive a new role assignment- different parts in the great mythic play of your life… For when you enter the temple of the cosmic stars and you REMEMBER who you are – you can’t help but begin to make manifest on that truth… I am here to dream your connection back to your truth- your inner knowing and your heartfelt joy in life itself. I love seeing you blossom into the quirky, unique flavor of who you actually are– and then I love to see the joy that flows effortlessly form you when you act on divine sacred purpose… There we go! An honor to serve in this temple of the Weaver Dreamer – And when I am not being a cosmic calling card to your fully expressed Essence and beauty– well I can found in the bathtub with the night sky as company, or staring at the rainbow fractals of light as they come through the spiders webs- or talking my friend the Oracle Oak or communing with the bee hive that I am so honored to tend.

The Weaver Dreamer
Kristen Kore Taylor
In my mid teens I began to lucid dream. In one dream in particular I was taken directly into my heart to bear witness to the immense and transformative healing power of unconditional love and compassion. In the same dream I was then given exquisite and detailed scrolls that contained templates of the various meridians, energetic fields, nervous and blood pathways of the human body. This dream continues to inspire and play an integral part in my life.
I literally followed my dreams to the paradisiacal island of Maui, Hawaii. In a series of synchronicities of mythic proportions I met Ariel Spilsbury and The Divine Cosmic Circus. Meeting this merry band of mischief makers and growth edge takers put my personal evolution into warp drive! I took in-depth years long apprenticeships with Ariel Spilsbury, founder of The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School. Diving into wisdom traditions through a feminine lensing of consciousness and became an ordained instructor/ wisdom keeper of The 13 Moon Mystery School. I have co- facilitated dozens of workshops and personal initiations with Ariel.
Welcome Beloveds, Weavers and Dreamers,
Dreams inform my life, they have offered valuable direct experiences and seminal lessons that I gratefully assimilate into everyday life. Through dreamtime I understand more fully our interconnectedness, the incredible power held within facing our own shadows and inner fears, our innate ability to transmute pain and disease into transformative healing release, and our awesome power as creators in Love’s name.
In dreams we are able to seamlessly enter into timelessness, release our usual form and limitations, interface with and receive wisdom transmissions from beings -often Archetypal in nature from seeming other dimensions. The guidance that we receive can often swiftly assist our growth and evolution on many levels.
At this poignant time in timelessness we are weaving together a Dream circle so that we may share our Mythic – Transcendent dreams thus perceiving synchronicities and larger patterns in consciousness. In doing so we hope to offer the connective threads we find as “medicine for the people”. That we all waken more fully to the gift of our lives, and so are able to be of greater service in balance, harmony, grace and joy.
What Dream is connecting – guiding us now? What dreams would you share that serve to waken humanity to the reality that We Are All One, we are all interconnected on the thread of life? Can you bring through the dream that Love Is Your Primary Motivation for all action?
“We Are The Weavers, We Are the Woven Ones. We Are the Dreamers, We Are the Dream.”
Let us begin our journey and offering in the realm of The Great Mother whose inclusion, embrace and nurturance offers renewal and sanctuary for all beings, all life.
Archetypes she is associated with include: Shakti, Demeter, Gaia, Shekinah, Mari, Mer, Hathor, Mary, Tiamot, Corn Mother, Pachamama, Yemaya, Nut, Cybele, Black Madonna, Mary Magdalene, Priestess of the Starfire, Priestess of Anu, Priestess of Eleusis, Aeracura, Nu-Wa, Net, Neith, Akka, Lady of the Vine, Sige, Tellus, Kar, (similar male archetypes: Cronus, E.A., Enki/Oannes) and any being you associate the Great – Divine Mother with.