

Build Her Temple

Build Her Temple

The Vision – Building Her Temple from Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School on Vimeo.

We are in times of extreme global transformation and change. Earth is entering a higher patterning and spiral of evolution, honoring the wisdom of both males and females equally. The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is being built to support that process, to bring forth the ancient-future ways of the Sacred Feminine, to co-create in Unity Consciousness.

There is an obvious need to create a dedicated temple to offer our gifts and be in service to the Divine One. If you resonate with the vision of creating the Sanctuary that will provide a sacred container in which to ride the waves of change joyfully together in community: a space to gather, share, celebrate, cooperate and commune. The time to build it is now! The vision to create it is in place. (See the website “Build Her Temple” section.) The circle of deeply committed beings that will see to its fruition is gathering! If you feel called in your Spirit to contribute time, resources or land to co-create this miracle, we heartfully welcome you to join us! Together, we can birth this vision into being a living reality!