The Flight of the Swan
From the Mystery of
Ham Sa So Ham
the sound of the breath merging Shiva and Shakti,
wholeness/union within and without.
Through Ariel Spilsbury
Be prepared for novelty
if you choose to make love in one of the far flung and exotic rooms
in Her many mansions…
found through journeying with the intention of
bursting awake like a supernova
or moving starwise through the constellation of Signus the swan,
catapulted there ecstatically through the cornea of
the opened eye of the Blue Pearl chamber in the
pineal gland
through which you will certainly perceive the
pulsation flux of the
blinking hologram
that is referred to as “you” and the “reality” of this world
found by enticing the blue fire snakes in your spine to
sensuously undulate upward on the sacred breath of
Ham Sa So Ham
(you may wish to breath now and invite the fire snakes up your spine on the Breath of Ham Sa)
Breathing the fire snakes of Ida and Pingala sensuously up the spine
as you stoke the divine ecstatic current fueling their ascent
Ham Sa So Ham
Snakes finally ecstatically merging…
merging Shiva Shakti, sun/moon at the base of skull,
converging in the medulla oblongata
merging into one unified pulse
on the sound of
Ham Sa So Ham
to enter the Temple room of
meaning beyond words
in the hippocampus
as the sensory “orienter” within the flow of meaning
that knows its natural alignment with the pole star magnetics
involved in liberation…
Snake gliding like a swan on a still blue mountain lake
slowly up the back of the skull..
becoming the hood of the cobra,
spreading to form wings..
longingly moving over the crown
head hovering above the watery pool of the third eye
humbly petitioning entrance
into this Holy of Holies..
and with the tingling “yes” felt in the third eye
the tongue of the winged snake,
like lightning penetrates the watery vortex
now ecstatically spiraling deeper and deeper with this holy touch
Alle Sulle*
The Mother’s waters singing:
Alle Sulle
I long for your gentle touch
Alle Sulle
tongues of flame opening, softening the waters
with tongues of fire..
revealing the gateway of the Blue Pearl chamber
at the center of all appearances..
snake tongues of fire entering this holy temple on the sound
Tsa.. Tsa Tsa
Igniting the central temple flame of the Blue Pearl chamber
molecularly transforming it into a transmitter receiver set
of blue, violet, gold, embraced by rainbow light
Opening the cornea of the pineal gland turned heavenward,
in the ecstasy of dimensional reunion..
the brain blossoming wings of the swan
Ham Sa So Ham
Corpus Callosum now dissolving..
dissolving the illusory appearance of the world of distinctions
mystical union, mystical sight
allowing the swan Paramahansa now to take flight
body left smiling serenely
like Kuan Yin, like Buddha
like an unconditionally loved newborn
regardless of its age,
the brain no longer distinguishing between “real” and “imagined”
because everything is real
as you command it to be so.
Ham Sa So Ham
dolphins and whales
holding with us,
the frequency of the triumph of divine beauty
and to that end..
rainbow swans incarnate at critical junctures
to priest/ess at the edge of chaos*,
as alchemical, initiatory “ring pass not” light nodes
trained to live comfortably with the ambiguity of the Unknown
as quantum fractal strange attractors*
creating order from the unformed essence of reality
that chaos actually is,
interjecting new meme’s* that expand consciousness
simply through honoring beauty
elemental catalysts,
offering a template, a chalice in which to surrender to the ecstatic pulse
of evolution Eternal
Kay La Ray Ah*
Rainbow Swans
Sacred Listeners
“Be still and know God. Listen. I am here.”
Guided by the rainbow over Swan Mountain
or hovering above a sea of light in a scintillating rainbow pyramid
both, preceding manifestation realized
simply from doing our alchemical work in
effortlessly gliding on the equanimous waters of consciousness
as Love’s presence, as radiant peace
frequency alchemists magnetizing through empty presence
expanding resonant harmonic nodes,
Swans in Flight
uplifting the planetary noosphere
through offering a direct experience of
“As Above. So Below”
in frequency
empty conduits, transmitters of a Divine evolutionary blueprint
simply by being alchemical distilleries of rainbow frequencies of light
Sacred Witnesses
as the swan of consciousness
collectively takes flight
flying in a victorious V on the magnetic migration path
that flawlessly knows its way Home.
Paramahansa Ham Sa So Ham
*Transmission: gathering and reorganizing the threads,
emptying to allow the Divine to do the weaving of
Language Alchemy
Transmission: a divine Glass Bead Game made of all the beads that were so lovingly offered for its creation.
*Memes: an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means
*Strange Attractor: In the mathematics of chaos theory, an attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure. The term strange attractor describes the attractor resulting from a series of bifurcations of a system describing fluid flow.
*Priestessing on the edge of chaos: Thank you priestess sister Letecia Layson
* Thank you Kore for the dream chant: Alle Sulle
*Thank you Jade Lotus for the dolphin dream chant: Kay La Ray Ah