- Sacred Theatre: Interview with Ariel Part 2
- Sacred Theatre: Interview with Ariel Part 1
- Part 6: What are Fractals and Why Should We Care?
- Part 4: Umbra Solis: The Sun and its Shadow Complete the Great Alchemical Work
- Part 2: Light Language Lexicon
- Part 1: Shifting to a New World
- The Weaver: A Stitch in Time
- The Initiator: Return To Innocence Part 2
- Goddess of Love: A Fool’s Contrivance Part 4
- Goddess of Love: A Fool’s Contrivance Part 2
- Lady of Communion: Kin Kinanelle
- Invocation to The Alchemical Goddess
- Invocation to The Queen of Death
- Invocation to The Weaver Dreamer
- Invocation to The Wise Woman
- Invocation to The Initiator
- Invocation to The Primal Goddess
- Invocation to The Goddess of Love
- Invocation to The Muse
- Invocation to The Lady of Communion
- Invocation to The Creator Destroyer Preserver
- Invocation to The Priest/ess
- Invocation to The Goddess of Compassion
- Invocation to The Great Mother

More of the Library:
An ecstatic arena of joyful consciousness evolution
A great place to start your exploration
Poetic transmissions scribed for personal initiations
Shapes evoking the divine forces of creation
Performances from the darkness of the Mystery in the Divine Feminine
Frequencies of energetic information for aligned individuals
Hints for deepening through ceremony and the oracle
Individual frequencies specifically at work in your evolution