- Asclepian Dream Priestess
- Mythic Lineage Transmissions Introduction
- Priestess of Ishtar
- Divine Inheritance
- Fairies
- Rainbow Adventurer
- Heart of My Heart
- Rhiannon
- Becoming One With What Is
- Priestess of the Beauty Way
- The Radiant One
- Owl Priestess
- In Her Name
- Mantra of the Mystic
- We Bow to You
- I Surrender in Gratitude
- Priestess of Isis
- Harmonic Wizard
- You Are My Sister
- For All Merikabah Mystics
- The Magi
- You Are She
- Amber Dreamer
- The Death of a Rose
- Little Buddha Golden
- The Blue Place Harmonic Precipitation
- Ourobouros
- Primavera Sensory Adept
- The Sisterhood of the Rose
- Star Child
- Blooming Narcissus
- Priestess of IX Chel
- Priestess of the Sacred Flame
- Journey into the Fusion with the Goddess
- Praise the Baccantes
- The Light Weaver
- Sacred harine
- The Oracle is Cast Mithrae Invicto
- Llamer O Tocar Puerta
- Abandonment
- Architect of the Sacred
- The Mystic Builder
- A Soul’s Remembrance
- Stellar Alchemist Mythic Lineage Transmission
- To You Who Are the Bearers of the Sword and the Standards of the Solar Logos
- Ku Ma Ra Star Singer
- Sacred Geomancer

More of the Library:
An ecstatic arena of joyful consciousness evolution
A great place to start your exploration
Poetic transmissions scribed for personal initiations
Shapes evoking the divine forces of creation
Performances from the darkness of the Mystery in the Divine Feminine
Frequencies of energetic information for aligned individuals
Hints for deepening through ceremony and the oracle
Individual frequencies specifically at work in your evolution